Drum Roll, Please…

Between late night meetings and my website being down for most of yesterday, I have had  news waiting to be posted for nearly 48 hours now:

I am pregnant!

And not just 48 hours pregnant, but eight whole weeks!   We had our first doctor’s visit on Monday and all is well: a solid heartbeat and the baby is measuring just the right size.   My due date is May 21st, but I will be scheduling a c-section for the week prior to that.

We told Kenny and Cooper, and Kenny’s reaction was the funniest face I’ve ever seen.   It said, “Oh no!” “wow” “are you sure?” and “can’t we get a puppy instead?” all in the same instant.   But he put on a happy face right after.   Cooper doesn’t really understand it, of course, but he’s asked to see my belly 800 times today… I think he’s waiting to see something pop out.

I have been sicker than I was with either Kenny or Cooper.   Still not the yakking kind of sickness, but that dizzy sea-sickness that makes you run far away from any food and food smells one minute, then sends you sprinting to the kitchen for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a spaghetti and meat sauce chaser the next.     I ate four slices of bread and butter today before lunch, then put away scrambled eggs and watermelon and a chocolate bar.   I weigh about 5 pounds less than I did when I got pregnant with both boys, so my body must be trying to play catch – up.   I think that Kenny is enjoying my oddly timed cravings, too: today he caught me hiding in the kitchen with a bag of salt and vinegar chips at 9 in the morning… “If you can eat chips at breakfast time, can I have some, too?”   “Sure!” I said, eager to share in my bounty.     He was a little turned off by watching me dip them in hummus, though.

Last night I was scheduled to be a guest instructor for our county’s home schooling co-op, and an hour before I was supposed to leave, I was balled on the floor of the living room in a horrible bout of agonizing nausea.   I rallied, though, and took the kids with me, where there was a volunteer waiting to watch them during my hour-long class.   That, however, didn’t pan out, and I ended up with two assistants.   Kenny spent about half of the class sitting in the corner, raptly watching, and the other half standing at the podium with me, looking curiously at the assembled high school age students.   Cooper decided that he didn’t like the fact that I was addressing someone other than him, and wailed until I picked him up.   I ended up holding him for 45 minutes straight.     The poor volunteer kid-wrangler tried her best to corrale then a few times, but they would have none of that.   The class actually went well, all considering.   Hey – I considered it a success just that I didnt’ faint or vomit on someone’s shoes.   But next time, I’m hiring a babysitter.

So that’s my news that fit to print.   Or, post, I guess.   I can’t believe it.


18 responses to “Drum Roll, Please…”

  1. Welcome to the club of three!

  2. CONGRATS!!! I am so thrilled for all of you!!! Can’t wait to read all about your new adventures.

  3. Congrats!!! You are more daring than me; I’ve stopped at 2…I think 😉

  4. Yay for my sis! 😮

    I have been there…. having to hold a baby and have one hugging your knee while trying to talk to a group of people. ugh!!!

  5. Congratulations! That is such exciting news!

  6. Congratulations!! That’s so exciting and I admire your stamina – 3 kids, whew… That’ll give you blog fodder for years and years to come 😉

  7. Claudia Avatar

    Wow, Congratulations!!!
    I bet you will do great. I am at the moment taking my pre-natal vitamins/minerals and fish oil just in case (can’t go without them). Got to have the fish oils!

  8. Congratulations! That is great news! I hope you start feeling better soon. 🙂

  9. Congratulations! I’ve been a long time reader of your blog and I love to read all about your family. This news will definitely equal more entries! Take good care of yourself!

  10. I came across your blog through momverstation! I had my first baby (boy) in August via c-section. I’ve enjoyed your latest entries so much that I have been going back and reading most of your entries from the beginning! I am thrilled to hear that you are pregnant again! I’m very happy for you and your family!!!

  11. Congrats! Wonderful news for you and your family!

  12. congrats! from a fellow mom of three! (three boys at that!)

  13. stephanie Avatar


  14. Jennifer Avatar

    Congrats! I have been reading your blog for years! I have two boys and another on the way! So I know the feelings you must be feeling~

  15. Great news !!! Congratulations 🙂 may god bless you and your baby..

  16. Wow, congrats! You are 3 weeks behind me and Im still in the nausea phase. Tried sea bands- they don’t work for me but hard candy seems to sometimes. Anyway, they say its a good sign. I am sweating because this is #2, I can’t imagine 3!! best of everything…

  17. Congratulations!!!

  18. Congrats – LIttle steps take you a long way! Keep it up – read the whole blog last week – inspiring!