Farmers Tan

Kenny has a wicked farmer’s tan.   Not for lack of slathering SPF 50 all over his tiny body everytime we set foot near a ray of sun.   I noticed it today after I gave him his third bath of the day (he gets really sandy, ok?).   Super cute.   I took some pictures, but he also kept showing off the family jewels, so the only one that’s fit to post is also missing evidence of his tanlines:  

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You’ll have to take my word for it, though I’m wondering about my faith in baby Coppertone’s sunblocking abilities…

And by popular request, a picture of my “buzzed boys:”

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A walk this morning on the beach in front of our condo…

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And this is a shot from yesterday morning ~ we woke to pouring rain (which is quite uncharacteristic for our part of the island, and lasted most of the day).   We were walking to get some breakfast, and I’d put a towel over the stroller to keep Kenny dry.   Casey turned to find Kenny peeking out of his makeshift tent…

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(You have to click on this one to get the full comical effect…)

Kenny’s vocabulary has also been expanding while we are here, now including “I Deem!” (ice cream), “Pappy oh waller!” (the puppy is in the water… there are lots of “beach dogs” roaming free here – including a weimaraner!), and “BEETCH!” (beach).   Every word is, of course, repeated 55 times in a row with nary a breath in between.     Even though we always immediately acknowledge what he is saying, and respond, he somehow feels the need to repeat it over and over until I feel like I might go mad.   Why is that?   Does he like to hear himself say the word?   Is he afraid we don’t understand?   Does he forget he’s already said it?   And what do I do?   Repeat the same response over and over again?   Come up with a new response for every repetition he makes?

Ah, the mysteries of the adventures of Mommyhood.

Finally, I’d like to say congratulations to my sister’s sister-in-law, Crisann, who just got her own website: Depeche Mom.   It’s still under construction, but check it out!


One response to “Farmers Tan”

  1. Thanks for the plug…I’ll let you know when it’s really going. Jeff changed up the interface through wordpress but hasn’t gotten it linked up with the site yet. As for the constant repeating of words…I can’t say I’ve figured out why they do that. I guess it’s just that love they have for repetition of all kinds. Eventually I just start saying the word with them over and over until I finally think of some kind of distraction.