
Kenny’s fever finally went away, bu last night he developed a  persistant cough and kept us all up most of the night.   Since I was a reader as church this morning, Casey graciously agreed to stay home with our little hacker so that Kenny could recoup.   Even more gracious, because Friday night, the night of our family home gropu Bible study, he also stayed home with Kenny so that I could go (and get out of the house!).   Talk about a champion Daddy!

So this rainy morning, as I trooped off to church, Casey and Kenny hunkered down.   They sat in the living room with all of Kenny’s stuffed animals (Kenny never plays with just one – he likes “All The Animals” to stay together; so if one moves, they all move!) and for three and a half hours watched home videos of Kenny’s life from birth to present.   It’s something I never would have thought of, but it kept Kenny resting and content, generated conversations between Daddy and son and provided encouraging, stimulating entertainment.   Now Kenny is napping, and his cough is subsiding.   Way to go, Casey!

When I got home, they were in the midst of Kenny’s first birthday party… it’s so funny how, as I watch Kenny grow daily, I rarely notice how much he’s changed.   I could hardly believe that cubby little curly-haired kid who cried when we tried to get him to eat cake is the same as my wiry rascal who thinks that there should be dessert after every meal.  

kenny-knight-cook-week-4-085.jpg     September 2005

kennys-party-050.jpg               September 2006

  March 2008             florida-febmarch-2008-056.jpg

It’s hard to believe that we’re about to start all the baby stuff again!   Only 11 more weeks to go…