This morning, Good Morning America Weekend did a segment on “mommy bloggers.” I missed it, but received several emails today that people had seen my blog on the segment. I just watched it online, and sure enough, the MommyBlog banner scrolled across the screen twice in the six-minute feature! So if you are here to check us out after seeing the fleeting view on GMA, welcome! And come back again soon!
The segment itself was on mommy bloggers making money and getting freebies from reviewing products. The report said that 85% of mommy bloggersreap some kind of monetary or gift reward for mentioning or reviewing products online. Just to clarify for this blog, I have never gotten paid anything. (Don’t I wish I had a paycheck to show for all my work here!) I have received a few free books and cds (and once some maternity clothes), reviews of which can be found on the sidebar under “The Web-Surfing Mommy.” At one time I did quite a few, but these have recently fallen to the wayside. But to be clear, I have never been sent on a glitzy trip, or gotten anything very expensive in exchange for writing about it here. But hey, if anyone out there needs me to review an all-expenses-paid trip to a Four Seasons resort spa, by all means, email me!
Now, back to business.
This weekend was all about The Orioles. All set for another game day, we were ready after breakfast…
That left us with about 12 hours to get psyched up for the game, so you can imagine that we were ready to see some action when we got there. We have great seats – even Cooper can see what’s going on…
…kind of, anyway… But he and Kenny do get into the game…
“Don’t drop the ball, Luke!”
“ooh… I think he could have made it a triple…”
“Hm… is that the hot dog guy I see before me??”
“Dude.. easy on the mustard next time!”
Family shot taken by the mom of the little boy behind us who knocked over my beer in the 2nd inning…
It was a great game – we made it until the end of the 8th inning, and we made it home in time to see the O’s win in the 11th inning on TV. What a night! Now if only we could get the Orioles to win a few more games…
2 responses to “Good Morning, America!”
Keep up the good work and good luck with your site – are you having fun with it? It’s interesting and well worth the time to visit.
I saw that Good Morning America segment. and it encouraged me to start up a blog of my own. Not because I thought I would “get” anything material from it, but because I found I could “yap” and not drive my husband crazy with venting or my crazy thoughts. I’m enjoying it!