Or at least, crawling back into the rhythym of daily life.
Before I start really writing, I have a question for my readers who have “mommy blogs” of their own: do you ever sit down to write – at the end of the day, at naptime, or whenever – and think, “I just finally got a moment free from the little buggers, and now I’m supposed to think of something poignant/witty/meaningful to write about them?? Please. Someone shake me a martini and give me another hobby!” Sorry. I don’t mean that. But anytime I take time off from writing on this blog, it takes me a while to get back into the groove.
So what have I been doing these last two weeks? We went to Florida last week. Kenny, Cooper and I flew down (by ourselves) and met Casey at his parent’s house. The flight couldn’t have gone better. I’ve flown “alone” with them before, so I was well-prepared, but Kenny outdid himself with his maturity, charm and good nature. We barely made our flight – in spite of arriving at the airport two hours early – due to a glitch in the airline’s computers, and I ended up having to run (full tilt) from security to the gate with Cooper in the hiking backpack (cackling wildly at the ride) and Kenny in the jogging stroller holding all our carry-ons in his lap and trying to get his shoes back on by himself. Yee haw.
Made it we did, and had a really terrific time in sunny (if slightly uncharacteristically chilly) Florida. I ran every morning, went on four dates with Casey and read a novel just for fun. I played with my kids one-on-one, chased Kenny in the sand and didn’t have to stress over the everyday mundane chores of life at home. Photo evidence of our joy:
Casey was only able to stay for half the trip, heading off to a convention in Vegas, so Kenny, Cooper and I ventured home to Maryland “alone” on Friday. It went nearly as well, and Casey walked in the door at home about two hours after we did. The weekend here in Maryland was gorgeous – even warmer than Florida, and Casey and I were inspired to unpack some of the boxes that have been sitting in our garage since the move to Atlanta. We got through six big ones, and then started on the books last night. No more empty bookshelves. It’s about time, right??
So what else is new? Cooper is about to cut tooth number two. Kenny daily refines his talent of debate and negotiation. Casey is working hard at the new job and doing great. Dudley is wondering what happened to the dog that come with our house-sitter to play with him for the week and moping a little at finding himself back at the bottom of the family totem pole. Me? I’m actually trying to listen to my weekly Bible study lesson for tomorrow (Beth Moore – she rocks!) while I write and catch up on emails.
I’m also contemplating the conundrum of fashion in the life of a stay at home mom. I really need some new clothes, but then wonder, why? To get strained carrots all over? To add ironing to my Things To Do? And who exactly am I going to look mod for? Well, Casey, duh, but Kenny and Cooper probably prefer me in my pajamas. How many days a week do I go out and about to anywhere other than the grocery store or a friend’s house? I can hardy justify a whole new wardrobe for my weekly trek to church, eh? Then I start to think, “I need to get out more.” Then I start to think, “So not worth messing up Cooper’s nap schedule.” Waaa.
3 responses to “Groovin’”
From the pictures you post, you look amazing just the way you are. Don’t stress over the wardrobe – you are doing something right already. Just feel good about yourself and remember that this is just a season and before long the boys will be more grown and you will find time, energy and need for a new wardrobe – until then, live in pjs, have fun with the boys and just purchase a new something if and when you are out and about and the mood strikes. … Glad to see you are still out there in blog world! 😉
My husband laughs about my collection of Lands End t-shirts. Long sleeve, short sleeve…. I’ve got tons of colors. They are very practical for our every day activities. For Valentine’s Day he gave me a gift certificate to a clothing store. I think he’s trying to tell me something! Maybe a new outfit or two wouldn’t hurt but when I shop, I end up in the kid’s department.
oh wow your boys are grooving!