My sister and her sweeties came over today to play with Kenny so that I could go get my hair done. I think if Kenny had his way, his cousins would be here all the time. His affection for them is wrapped up in adoration and awe; he thinks they are the coolest things since string cheese was invented. We tried to talk them into spending the night, but my sister is so darn practical about the whole going back home because they need to take care of their dog thing. (Just kidding, Kim!)
Here’s another picture, taken a few weeks ago at my birthday party…
He was the happiest I’ve seen him in a week today, and the glow even held after they left and through until bedtime. We snuggled in his room and read twenty books at least, and he even wanted to sit in my lap, which he hasn’t done in months. Such a precious time.
I am feeling physically drained today. I think the roller-coaster of emotions is starting to take a toll. I am stunned by the outpouring of love and sympathy from friends and aquaintences, and amazed at how many people have been through this horrible thing. I have to rest in the knowledge that God never makes a mistake; that all of this, no mater how painful, is part of the bigger script He has written for the Story our family. It’s so hard to grasp that sometimes, but I have to believe it. Our pastor and his wife are coming to our house on Thursday to do a small memorial service for our to honor our babies. We need that, Casey as much as me. We need it not to “move on,” but to remember.
Thanks again to all of you (strangers even some of you!) who have written with well-wishes and kind words. You all are part of the Story, too.
2 responses to “Hangin’ In”
Hey, when Rusty learns to feed himself, open doors and turn out lights – THEN, we can leave him all day (and night!)
I’ll make up my mind tomorrow, but we still might come spend the night tomorrow, of course WITH Rusty. We had a great time today and Kenny-boo is the most well behaved out of all 3 of them! 😉 He even took a 50 min nap for me! (ps- looks like our kids only wear the same clothes – two weeks difference and almost the exact same outfits on)
(((Hugs))) sis, Remember, I’m only a phone call away – or a 45 min drive.
I love the mutual adoration cousins have for each other! Kenny and his cousins are so cute!
I love that your sister is such a responsible doggy mama (coming from a loving doggy mama myself)!
Keep hanging in there. I think it’s wonderful that you are going to have a memorial service for your babies. Very special.
Jane, P&B Girls