My sweet baby is TWO!
I can hardly believe that two years have passed since the night I first met this little human that is the exterior beat of my heart. His serious expression when he’s stacking blocks melts me as much as his charming “can I have a cookie?” smile. His earnest appeals for one more book, one more story, or one more song at bedtime are hard to resist. His rapt attention when he sees a plate full of turkey and hummus and cheese set before him at lunchtime, solemnly clasping his hands so we can pray (fast!) and he can dig in make me swallow my giggles and clasp my own hands in reverence. His new favorite question, “Mama, Where you been?” (even if I’ve only been in the bathroom for 16 seconds) and new favorite statement, “I don’t like that, Mama” (mostly referring to vegetables that he once ate with gusto, and now spurn in favor of bread and butter) are so funny it takes all my composure to answer then with the same seriousness he proffers them.
He is no longer a baby, that’s for sure. He’s 100% BOY.
I have a slew of pictures to post from his birthday party as well as our family on his actual birthday, but I forgot to bring my usb cord with us on vacation (where we are presently for the next week), and I will have to post them upon our return. Stay tuned!
One response to “Happy Birthday Kenny!!”
Happy (belated) Birthday Kenny!
How cute!
My Alex turns 2 on the 28th!!
It flew by, huh?
Hope you guys had a fantastic day with him!!
– Audrey