Horribly belated, but no reflection on the sentiments…
Happy Third Birthday, Kenny!!
My sweet little guy turned THREE on Tuesday the 9th. How time flies! We had a big party for him on Sunday, with my parents and my sister’s family, as well as five other families that we are close to. Kenny was in his element: Casey spent about $30 at the dollar store on various bubble sets, and Kenny and the rest of the kids spent most of the two hours here blowing bubbles. There was also fishing and lots of running around, and a huge chocolate cake, decorated with Curious George. Fun for Casey and I, too, as what’s more fun than having all of your friends over for a Sunday cookout??
Our present to Kenny for the big Three was a Radio Flyer scooter, complete with matching Spiderman helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. He raced around the living room in his pjs, ecstatic and exuberant, until we ventured outside on the driveway for a test drive. I think it’s safe to say we hit the jackpot. He has played with it nonstop, albeit mostly in the living room.
On his actual birthday, we “gave him” a plane ride and two nights in a hotel. Yes. I did write that. We got on a plane and spent 48 hours traveling to look for a new house in a new city in a new state, in preparation for a new job and a whole bunch of new changes! Kenny, though he has flown many, many times, actually enjoyed it and knew what was going on for the first time ever, so it was all brand new. He was as good as gold, so excited in the airport and on the plane that it was infectious. His barrage of comments and questions, delivered in a ten decibel stage whisper, were enjoyed by most of the passengers on the plane:
“Mama! We’re on the plane, Mama! How does it fly Mama? Are we going yet, Mama? The plane is moving! Here we go, Mama! Do you have your seatbelt on Mama? I have my seatbelt on! I see the airport! We’re moving, Mama! Here we go! Look, Mama! We’re going! Up in the sky! Look! Clouds! We’re up in the air! When can we watch Curious George? Can we open the computer? Where are my headphones? When are we landing? Can I have a snack?”
Actually, Casey, my patient, sweet, nurturing hubby, sat next to Kenny, so I could nurse Cooper and zone out a little. Cooper was a champ, and didn’t cry once! The rental car was another story (during a full day of house-looking), but he was a trooper, the little noodle. Kenny was more than a trooper, patient and willing to go with the flow. He even survived (with flying colors) dinner at Casey’s new boss’s house.
We are still recovering from the trip, but now it’s really real: we’re moving! It’s not like we haven’t relocated before: we spent Kenny’s first two winters in Scottsdale, AZ, in two different rental houses. But this time it isn’t temporary. We are heading south.
In a funny twist of circumstance, the house we are renting until we find a place to buy is on a lake! So in spite of being landlocked, we will wake up to a water view, and still be able to fish and kayak for at least a few more months.
More details to come…
2 responses to “Happy Birthday to the Original MommyBlog Kid!”
Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! J and I are taking bets as to where you’ll wind up. 🙂
Can I guess? Lake=Charlotte? 🙂