My Funny Valentine

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Casey came home tonight bearing a gorgeous bunch of ruby-red tulips (my favorite!) and a gigantic ballon for Kenny.   The balloon is easily twice his size, and he ran around the house with it like a cheetah in his excitement…. “BAOOOOOOOOON!     BAAAOOOOOON!”   There is nothing that would have made this kid happier.

And there is so much love to celebrate:   My wonderful, adorable, brilliant, charming, handsome husband, Casey, and my hysterically funny, lovable, smart and sweet kid, Kenny.   What more could a girl want???   Casey is taking me out tomorrow night to celebrate at a swanky spot here in town, and we plan to get dressed to the nines and stay out late.   What a life I am blessed to have.   I am in awe of God’s goodness, and so full of love I could burst.   Happy Valentine’s Day!


2 responses to “My Funny Valentine”

  1. Balloons are so much fun! And what a sweet husband. Have a great night out.

  2. I got 36 roses for 36 years togather!!!!! Be sure and call Gigi and Papa before we get to their house on Sat. get my driff!!!!! Love you. Grammy