Hey, Good Lookin’

I just wanted to publicly announce that Cooper, three weeks shy of his first birthday, has suddenly turned into a real looker…




His crazy little personality has just exploded.   Today while I was brushing my teeth, I briefly left Kenny and Cooper playing in the floor in their shared room.   Two minutes later when I popped my head in, they were gone.   I went into my room and saw Kenny on the couch reading a book.   “Where’s Cooper?” I asked, a little nervously.   “He’s hiding” said Kenny, mater-of-factly.   I looked at the curtains on the window.   There was, in fact, a little bulge at the bottom.   “Cooper?”   He whipped the curtains off his face and giggled with unfettered glee, then hid again, clearly waiting for me to continue the game.   Which I did for another ten minutes.   Who can resist that face??


2 responses to “Hey, Good Lookin’”

  1. I thought you’d like to read/see this video/article – it’s on MommyBloggers.


  2. What a studmuffin! It’s so funny how that hiding game is like the most exciting kid game evs.