Hold the Tacos

Last night I made tacos for dinner.   This is not remarkable (except for the fact that I can count on my fingers the number of times I’ve made something from a box for dinner instead of something from scratch…) and shouldn’t hold any interest for blogging purposes.

Unfortunately, there is a story.   About an hour after going to bed, I started getting acid reflux so bad I thought I was going to die.   And there wasn’t a single TUMS in the house.   After two hours of trying to sleep sitting up in bed, of pacing the floor, beating my chest, gulping water and ginger-ale, Casey got up and ransacked every drawer in the house looking for a stray antacid.   He found one in the bottle I thought was empty (duh) and one in the bottom of my make-up travel bag.   I chomped on the first, then desperately peeled the congealed paper from the second, which neither tasted nor crunched like a Tums.  

We went back to bed where I continued to toss and turn.   Casey offered to run out to buy me a new box, but I declined… the nearest convenience store is 4 miles away on a winding road, and I didn’t think it was the best idea.   So I sipped some more ginger-ale and laid down.   I had just drifted off to sleep when a wave of nausea hit me like a demolition ball.   I leaped up, woefully too late, and projectile-puked all over the carpet.   As my stomach heaved, I was hit with an equally strong contraction, and fell to my knees, where I emptied the contents of my undigested stomach onto our white Berber rug.   Casey, bless his heart, ran for a towel, which caught the last few surges, but the damage was done.   He handed me a cool wet towel for my face and helped me to the bathroom to rinse my mouth.   Then worked for fifteen minutes trying to get the reddish bile up from the pile.   No dice.  

I sat in the bathroom floor and bawled – from exhaustion, continuing contractions, humiliation and anger over ruining the carpet.   Casey came in and made me laugh.   Then we reminisced over all the times Kenny and Dudley have thrown up onto the carpet… though I definitely won the damage contest.

I am never eating tacos again.   And I am never going to bed without a full bottle of Tums on the bedside table.


3 responses to “Hold the Tacos”

  1. Wow! That sounds terrible. I hope you are feeling well today and were even able to get in a nap.

  2. Hey, we have a carpet steam cleaner which works wonders on puked on carpet. You can borrow it. 😮

  3. grammy Avatar

    hey, sorry you were sick. my gastro doc says not to drink carbonated beverages with acid reflux. maybe that irritated it. hope you feel better today! love you miss all of you!!!