We arrived home from Florida at about 4 PM today. Kenny is a great little traveller, and Dudley wins the best canine-in-the-car-of-the-century award. But boy are we tired!!
As we crossed over the Maryland state line, Casey and I did a little math, and figured out that of the 30 months of Kenny’s life, we’ve been absent from our house for about 14 of them. This includes the two winters in Arizona, all the vacations, the tagging along on work trips, and the times we’ve been renovating and forced to sleep elsewhere… That’s nearly half of Kenny’s life! No wonder he was so happy to run into his room when we got home today…
Keep the potty-training advice and stories coming! I know that weekends are slow for comments, but we’re still open to more. Crisanne, I loved the “cold turkey” story… I’m almost convicted to try it…
2 responses to “Home, Sweet (Chilly) Home”
I recently potty trained my daughter as well. She showed great interest at about 18 months and I let her set the pace. She was into it for a few months, and then not. I tried to get her potty trained before my son was born, but when I could not get her fully trained by about my 8th month, I let it slide. I figured it was SO close to when he was born, I did not want to push it. So, when he was about a month old and she was 3 years 3 mo. I started again. This time, it was NO problem. She knew what to do. I still had her in pull ups out of the house, just for my sanity, and she stayed dry. Then one day, she asked to wear underwear out…we have not been in pull ups during the day since.
I think that kids will let you know when you are ready. My advice is to do what you are doing. It is a LONG process. We also did the timer for every 30 minutes, which was REALLY difficult because we do so much out of the house. We also did a sticker chart and treats. Everytime she went pee she got one sticker and one small treat (m & m) and everytime she went poo she would get two. Then, when she finished a line on her chart (10 stickers), she would get to go to the store and pick out a small ($5) toy, book, etc. I think finding the right currency for each child is important. They will respond to different things.
Good luck, especially with the new baby on the way. Mine did not regress when he was born, she actually now says that diapers are for the baby not her. It will happen in time. Best of luck!
I’m so envious that you got to spend some time in Florida, away from the cold weather!! Up here in RI I’m just more than ready for Spring. The warm weather can’t come soon enough!!
Jane, Pinks & Blues