We returned from the UK on Saturday, and I finally feel like we’re starting to get back into the swing of things here at home. The trip was incredible ~ more than I ever expected; inspiring, captivating and challenging in heart, mind and body. I’m tempted to sit and chronicle all of the amazing experiences we had at the apologetics summer school at Oxford, but I want to stay focused with my main objective in this blog ~ writing about being a Mommy!
One of the speakers made several specific mentions in his talk on the workplace to housewives and the necessity of those who choose this vocation. I can’t tell you how much that meant to me… and meant one thousand times more today when I was madly scrubbing a toilet or two during Kenny’s naptime!
Now that’s a phrase I am all-too-ready to get used to saying… “Kenny’s Nap Time.” My sweet parents, glory halleluiah, actually got him to take a morning nap every day while we were in our classes at Oxford. So I figured, if they could do it, I could do it, and wouldn’t you know it – today was day 3 that he has taken a TWO HOUR nap for me. I’m treading on foreign soil here, folks, and I’m ready to embrace it for all its worth.
He is changing so much every day… I can hardly believe that he’s 10 months old. His little personality is developing at breakneck speed. He’s started this new thing when he’s “mad” at me, (presumably because I won’t let him, 1) Dive head first into the toilet bowl, 2) crawl through the doggie door, or 3) chew on the sole of my running shoe) whereby he’ll start fake-crying and stubbornly crawl into the nearest corner and howl like he’s lost his cheerio stash.
It’s all I can do not to laugh, race to scoop him up and cover him with a thousand kisses. He is a charmer to beat all I’ve ever seen.
And speaking of Cheerios, I’m starting to fear he will turn into one, because his average daily consumption of those crunchy little O’s is bordering on obsessive. At dinnertime today, when presented with a tiny warm bowl of lovingly prepared homemade carrot puree, he screamed like a banshee, tears of unspoken frustration streaming down his perfect face, only to stop with the flip of a switch when he saw me pulling the Cheerio box out of the cabinet from the corner of his big brown eye. The little scammer. But I wonder: Can a 21 pound boy live on breast milk and Cheerios alone?
On a new note, thanks to all who are visiting, reading and commenting on this brand-new blog. I still have quite a bit of work to do on it, pictures to add, and little things to tweak, and I’m grateful for all the encouragement! I am hoping to expand this over the next several months from more than just my personal blog to a functioning website community. Hang in there with me! If my little sweetpea keeps up this nap thing, I’ll be able to really get this thing going. Please pass the link on to your Mommy friends and keep reading!
One response to “Home Sweet Home”
You are so funny! :lol::lol::lol: I love reading your blogs. That is so cute about the cheerio thing… you are wrapped, TIGHT around his little pinky!
love you!