I Want to be the Next Food Network Star…

I was the “guest” speaker at my own MOPS group today.    I actually did a cooking demonstration along with a talk on meal planning, cooking with kids and making the most out of our opportunity as moms to nourish our families.

It was a load of fun, but I am exhausted!

Between the hours of preparation and the sleepless night of butterflies in the stomach, I feel as tired as I did when Kenny was still nursing through the night.   Casey was pretty excited with the “leftovers” of fajitas and tex mex salad that I served up tonight, so I was all but off the hook for having to cook dinner twice in one day.   I have to admit, ever since Kenny was a newborn (and I nursed him every hour and a half for a half an hour, filling the time with compulsively watching the Food Network)  I have harbored a little fantasy of having my own cooking show.   Not that I have anything fantastically different than any other Food Network diva, but just because I think it would be a real kick.

Since Kenny was old enough to sit in a highchair, I have entertained him night after night with my own cooking expositions – he now has a special “kitchen helper”stool and we do everything together – he dumps the baking ingredients in the bowl and helps stir them, he watches as I chop, fillet, butterfly and otherwise manipulate raw ingredients into what dinner is to become.   The more I talk as I cook, explaining what I’m doing, the more fascinated he becomes.   Maybe that could be my “thing” – an entire cooking show made to entertain a toddler and get a gourmet meal on the table at the same time…

On another note, I realize that this is the second Wednesday with no book review, but I promise to have one next week.   I was recently sent a novel by the author Gwendolyn Gross, The Other Mother, and I’m nearly done after two sittings… it is fantastic and hooks me in way past bedtime.   The book jacket says that it’s about the “mommy wars” of stay-at-home moms versus working moms, but it is so much more than that.   It is a drama that any mom, at home or working in a corporate high rise, can relate to.   So I promise a full review next week.   In the meantime, check out her website!


5 responses to “I Want to be the Next Food Network Star…”

  1. I thought you did wonderful today and the moms were really into your “cooking show”! One gal even commented that you were “too cute” and should have your own show. Thanks for making it a great meeting. (ps– sorry that I called you Rachel Ray 😀 )

  2. I just have to say that I think this is so awesome! 😛

  3. michelle Avatar

    Sounds wonderful! You may benefit from opmom.com. It can help you with meal planning.

  4. 😛 I was searching for a mommy blog that I might be able to share my thoughts on. Yours is the first one I’ve tried. I like this little diddy on cooking with your boy and the idea of having your own tv show. Cutty does Cooking targets young children, your mommy and child demographic would probably work. Seriously, have a role model working with children in the kitchen would be great. Please forgive me though, are you making money off promoting the Other Mother book?

  5. April, No, I’m not making any money for promoting The Other Mother, or any other books on my site. I simply enjoy reviewing books, and passing along the good ones!