
I think I need to tell my OB to stick to gynecology… after my last post, I got sicker, and ended up at my regular doctor’s office where he confirmed a bronchial infection and prescribed antibiotics.   Casey actually went with me, with the same symptoms, and my rescue-man Dad came over to spend the afternoon with Kenny so that Casey and I could go to the doctor and grab some lunch.   Woo-hoo!   Date day!

Ah, but I was pretty sorry for a while there.   Kenny, bless his heart, spent two days in bed with me… we did puzzles, read books, told stories, sang songs and slept.   Fortunately (I guess), he was still a little under the weather, too, so staying in bed that long didn’t seem to bother him very much.  

We finally dug out on Friday when the sun came out and GLORIOUS 70 degree weather hit.   We spent most of the day outside, planting flowers, walking the yard and I even got some time to daydream in the adirondack chair looking out at the water while he played trucks at my feet.   The weekend perked us all up too.   In spite of the three of us having matching coughs and sniffles, we are all recovering.   Whew.


One response to “Infirmary”

  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Keep those fluids flowing to help with the cough!