Kenny and I met Casey for lunch today at a small bakery. Since I have started seriously potty training Kenny, he has never yet actually asked to go in a public place, so when he announced that he had to go as we finished our sandwiches, I happily complied.
Kenny has not yet mastered the stand-up-pee-pee, so at home we use a training seat that has a … um… splash guard. We obviously didn’t have one today, but I gamely sat him right down and said, “Ok, Kenny, go ahead!” and was promptly sprayed by a stream of warm two-year-old urine directly into the crotch of my own jeans. We exited the bathroom, Kenny triumphant, and me sheepishly looking like I’d just wet my pants.
And the ego goes out the window.
6 responses to “Is This What I Signed Up For??”
That right there is my biggest potty training fear. The public potties with no guard!
As a veteran mom of a 5 yr boy, I feel your pain. My advice is just make sure he points it down with his hand, you have him lean forward so it points down on its own or you hold it down! Work on it at homes so that it becomes habit. It is really helpful when you put him in children’s church/sunday school and later on preschool.
Good Luck!!
so hilarious! oh my gosh…and I say this because I am still undergoing the potty learning here at our house and haven’t yet had the experience! I am sure you made it through with laughter though!:)
*LOL* 😆 We’re about to start the potty training. So I’ll be forwarned of the no-splashguard incidents!
😆 That made me seriously LOL…loudly!
Baby Bam could never ever hit the spot! We’d aim him ourselves. He’d be 1 foot from the baby potty and the little guy would somehow hit the wall.
We started putting figurines in the potty for him to aim at. Rarely dropped a drop after that.