It’s Not Easy Being Grey

Yesterday was a tough day for those of us who stay at home here.   Come to think of it, it was tough for the hard-workin’ man who had to come home to  a cranky kid, a horribly cranky Mamma and a dog who was seconds away from being bonked over the head with a frying pan by that horribly cranky Mamma.  

You see, there was a monsoon going on outside.   Dudley won’t go outside in a drizzle, much less a downpour, and I don’t  even think he did his morning  pee  until about noon.   I wouldn’t know, because Kenny and I left the house at 10 to meet my sister and I left him to his “I really gotta go” tap dancing and access to the soggy dog door.

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When we returned a few hours later, Dudley was a wreck.   A whirling dervish.   A destroyer of all things sweet and cute and Kenny’s.   A rammer of noses into crotches.   A pirate of contents of purses and trashcans.   And that was all just the first ten minutes after we arrived at the door.

Needless to say, this frustrated me, which made me frustrated that No Nap Joe didn’t want to take a nap, much less spend 20 seconds alone in his playpen so that I could use the bathroom by myself, which made him frustrated with me for being red-faced and snappy, which made Dudley frustrated at me and Kenny for being loud and antsy, which made him do backflips and paw all the cushions off the couch, which enraged me because they landed within inches of Kenny’s precious cranium and endangered his drunken-sailor walking, which confused Kenny because it looked like a kind-of fun obstacle course, Mommy!, which encouraged Dudley into bumping Kenny over and jumping into his pile of leggos, which made Kenny really angry, which made me…

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Oh, you know where I’m going with all this.   By the time Casey got home, I was a commercial for remaining a Mommy to an only child who may not grow up with a dog after all.

This morning dawned rain-free, and all was once again right with the household.   Besides, this morning Kenny and I attended our very first MOPS meeting!   (   My sister is the coordinator for a new chapter in our area, and I am on the steering team.   I had no idea what to expect, but it was fantastic.   Just the part about turning Kenny over to a warm, capable nursery care-giver (ok, it was my Mom) in a safe environment with other kiddos his age for two hours while I ate Krispe Kreme donuts and talked baby-free with other Moms was gratifying enough for me.   When I picked Kenny up, he was happy, hungry and exhausted.   After some warm milk in the church nursing room, he was asleep in the car before we left the parking lot.  

I was scheduled for an oil change, so we drove leisurely to the dealership while Kenny slept.   Once inside the waiting room, where we happened to be the only customers, Kenny was thrilled to find a whole alcove full of toys and books.   He toddled all over, kicking a ball as he went, then found a little push car like we have at home.   Then it was Mario Andretti in miniature… he zoomed all over the show room, the parts department, the waiting  room, the reception area  and back again, circle after circle.    Did I mention we were the only customers there?   The employees were entertained, Kenny was happy and I was relieved that  an oil change  only takes an hour.  

When we got home, happy and tired, Dudley was equally happy and tired, as he must have spent the bulk of the day playing outside in the sun.   We all went for a walk, Kenny in the backpack, Dudley strutting like his usual self again.   And as if the day couldn’t get any better, within minutes of returning home, Casey pulled into the garage to surprise us.   That was the best part of the day.   Kenny was thrilled to see DA DA! and I was as flustered as a schoolgirl at the unexpected arrival of my handsome man.

Now, bellies full of fish tacos and crab nachos, Kenny is sleeping soundly, and  Casey and I are each writing and relaxing after savoring some well-deserved wine on the back porch.  

Dudley is sprawled peacefully on the floor, grateful that the rain went away, and all of his family is back to normal.


One response to “It’s Not Easy Being Grey”

  1. See? That is why “this too shall pass” is such a great thing to say to yourself on days where you (or your doggie – or all of you) are grey…. b/c the next day brings sunshine, love, laughter and new friendships! Love ya sis 😛