It kind of dawned on me today that Saturday is Valentine’s Day. Duh. Casey and I have talked about going out on a date, and yet it never really hit me until just now that it’s Valentine’s Day. I have nary a card or a gift. I feel like life has been in fast forward – Christmas, New Year’s, almost buying a house and moving (again), illness and the general “tyranny of the urgent” have won out over my brain. So short of scoffing at the holiday with “every day is like Valentine’s Day with you, Sweetie!” I’d love to hear your best ideas for a gift for your husband. I need some inspiration!
Today was glorious – it hit just shy of 70 degrees and Cooper celebrated by taking two 2-hour-plus naps and Kenny and I celebrated that by taking the monitor outside and running wild in the sun. It’s a wonder what a little fresh air can do!
And just for kicks, I went through some baby pictures of Kenny today and found one of him at 7 and a half months – the same age Cooper is now…
They do look more alike than I thought!
4 responses to “Love”
It’s a hallmark holiday, girl! It IS valentines every day when you’ve got a beautiful healthy family… don’t let the commercials and ads tell you differently 🙂 My husband and I make dinner together (usually kind of fancy), then we read letters that we write eachother for the occasion and then we hand dip strawberries for dessert and bask in the love we have. Happy V-Day!
I am going to try to make the pizza bread recipe on ‘s ordering disorder blog early in the morning for my husband. And then watch the Ross and Rachel marathon of friends…haha
Your boys are ADORABLE! I’ve always thought they were carbon copies of each other.
Sadly, I don’t have any ideas for gifts. I am in need of ideas myself. Good luck!!!
We write each other letters and read them to each other too… but this year we will be in Germany, oh yeah. 😮
You could do a bubble bath after the kids are in bed…