Mama Needs Some Sugar

I had every intention of writing last night, but was hit unexpectedly by the speeding bullet of a clogged duct.   (I don’t need to explain any further for all you Moms out there.)   No one said that weaning was a picnic, but I hardly expected to have any physical issues, since I’m going about it at a snail’s pace.   As for the emotional side, Kenny seems to have an inkling that I am starting the big W, and is now furiously showing off his ability to sign “MILK!”  almost hourly.  

I went to bed at 7:30, only to have Dudley “check on me” at 9 by jumping onto my ribcage and then sitting on my head.   I then felt obligated to go downstairs to where Casey was installing a delux banister installation adapter kit for the new baby gate, with instructions that were apparently written by an aerospace engineer, of whom English was a second language.   It wasn’t all the rest I’d hoped for,   but I seem to be doing better today.

But as to the “sugar” reference above, I’d like to give an over-due nod to the concert that Casey and I went to lsat Tuesday:   Rodney Atkins and Little Big Town, opening for Sugarland; a country music-lover’s dream night!   We actually got the tickets because we are fans of Little Big Town( but the whole concert was really phenomenal.   Aside from the beautiful night and great music,  there was something about  the performance of Jennifer Nettles  (Sugarland ~ that I haven’t been able to get out of my head.   That woman doesn’t just belt out her tunes; she doesn’t just move around the stage to the beat.   In fact, she doesn’t just dance.   She moves her whole frame with such joyful exuberance that you can’t help but want to jump up and down with her.

I’ve beem thinking about her all week.   It was so obvious that she truly loved every minute of her concert, that she adored the crowd, her musicians and the experience as a whole.   It was contagious joy.  

Now I don’t know much about her as a person, but I find myself wishing that I was more like her in how I act on the outside during the day.   Here I am with a life better than I could ever have imagined: hot,  witty  husband; wild, brilliant son, a dog like no other (and I mean that in every sense of the phrase), a gorgeous home, great family and friends, and the  ability  to stay home and raise my boy and take care of my household everyday.   I am caused to wonder  how much of that blessing is personified in the way I appear physically.   Sure, I smile a lot.   But how often to a jump up and down and spin around because I am so happy?

I tried some of that today.   It felt silly; it felt good.   Kenny thought I was the Coolest Mommy Ever.   Dudley thought I was having a seizure and tackled me to make sure I was OK.   (Another story.)

So I am going to try and let my joy show more.   I want Casey and Kenny to know how happy I am to be singing in the band with them.   I want them to see that I love them boundlessly and that there’s no need to temper my joy at our wonderful life.   Dudley may have to go on puppy Prozac, but it’s a small price to pay, right?

Here’s to living a life of contageous joy.

Aug 14-20 012.jpg


One response to “Mama Needs Some Sugar”

  1. 😛 you go girl!