“Mama, What-ya Doin’?”

This is how Kenny now calls to me when he wakes up from his nap.   It used to be a series of “Mama?” calls, which became “Mama, out!” and have now morphed into the much more charming calls of, “Mama, What-ya doin’?” and “Mama, Come upstairs!”

He has become like a little scholar, asking questions (and  sometimes answering himself)  from the time he wakes up  until  the time we turn out the lights at night.   Driving in the car: “Where’s all the cars goin’?   Goin’ to the grocery store, Mama?”   and “Where’s the crickets sleepin’?” and “Where’s the moon?   He’s hidin’ in the trees.”   Eating breakfast, looking out the window: “Where’s the heron?   He must be at sum-buddy’s elses house today.”   Looking at Dudley: “Dudley’s hat off now?” (Kenny feels for his furry companion swathed in his plastic cone.)   And playing with his train set, his imagination takes flight: “Where’s Thomas goin’?   He’s in the traffic jam!   He gonna be late!” and “Look, Mama!   All the trains sleepin’!   Nap time trains in their pajamas, night-time music on!”

Yesterday he took a warming pan lid out of the oven warming drawer (one with a handle) and declared to me that it was his “suitcase” and he was “Going to work!   Going to see Daddy in’s office in the city.   See all Daddy’s friends!”

And now, aha!   I hear my angel waking up.   He is calling to me… “Mama?   Baby teddy fell out-da bed!   Wake up!   … Mama?   You wakin’ up?”


3 responses to ““Mama, What-ya Doin’?””

  1. SOOOO sweet! I love how they answer themselves too…I always get such a delight out of listening to asher converse with himself!

  2. That is so cute… I can just hear him talking in my head. I’m glad you guys have been having so much fun lately… you deserve it!

  3. That is so sweet!! I love hearing my 18 mo old talk! 😀 It’s so adorable. He also does this funny thing of going to where he knows he is NOT supposed to go and says “no-no.” Then looks at me.