It has recently become apparent that Kenny has already learned all of Casey’s sales skills at the ripe old age of two.
At bedtime we read several stories, always warning him when the last one comes, and as soon as it ends, he looks up solemnly and intones, “Just wuuuuuuun more. Laaaaaaastone.” When he does his business in the potty, he runs to the cabinet to get his “potty treats” (which consists of exactly two M&Ms). I let him pick which colors he wants, and he will say something along the lines of, “A blue one and a brown one. And a red one and a lellow one. Just two and two.”
But my favorite new speech pattern is the new art of asking questions. Just a few weeks ago, when he wanted to read a book, he would say, “Read this book!” or when he wanted me to sing him a song, “‘Nudder song, pa-lease.” Now, all of the sudden, it’s,
“Mama? You wanna read this book a’ me?” and “Mama? You wanna listen to Larry Cucumber CDs?” and “Mama? You wanna bake a cake?” and “Mama? You wanna build a tower a’ me?”
I’m sold.