Having a new baby in the house, with a post-surgery mamma, means lots of time with Daddy and the grandparents!
Casey and Kenny and Papa spent some time fishing on the dock yesterday…
…and they caught a record FIFTEEN (yes, that’s 15!) fish!
Kenny is doing very well, considering that his whole world has been rocked! He’s had a couple moments of whining and obvious jealousy, but has been mostly loving, patient and very curious. I wonder what he’s thinking about all this. I can tell that he’s a little wary. And a little sad that the life he knew has changed for good. I am too, in a little way. For nearly three years, he and I have been bosum buddies. We’ve talked, read, played, napped, cooked, giggled, danced and sung together – just the two of us (except weekends and after Casey gets home from work) – nearly every day of his life. And that’s not going to be the same anymore.
I am hopelessly in love with Cooper. I will write the next post all about him, and post lots more pictures. But I needed to just write about my little guy Kenny for a quiet minute. He’ll always be my first little boy.
4 responses to “Meanwhile in Kennyland…”
Congratulations Kristjana and Casey!! Another boy…and he is so beautiful!! So glad to hear that everyone is doing so well!! Can’t wait to meet baby COOPER!!!
Love, The SIMPKINS (all 5)
Oh, I feel your pain. It happens with each child and it never gets easier. But soon you will see how much Kenny loves Cooper and the sadness and guilt will fade a bit. It’s almost been a month and I still feel sad for Emery at times and then I see her holding Maddox and it feels better. Know in your heart that all will be fine and God blessed your family! Take it easy and rest when you can – HA HA – I know.
I completely understand how you feel about Kenny. I remember laying in bed the night before my c-section crying about my son. He was two when my daughter was born and as much as I love her, something about that night was just too sad. I wondered how I would ever love another child as much as I loved my him. I also thought about how things would never be the same between me and my son again. It has been two and a half years since my daughter was born and I can honestly tell you it has been wonderful. The love that my son has for her fills my heart more than anything in this world. My blessing are more abundant everyday. Congradulations and may God bless you and your family.
omg – where the heck have i been!!! i have so been MISSING out on one of my most fav blogs! has it been that long that you had Cooper already????? WOW! how exciting! and CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! you look GRRREAT!…i mean REALLY GREAT! and Cooper is a DOLL!
well that is what i get for taking a hiatus during your pregnancy!!
I have read all the blogs down to here…I will cont catching up!
Amy & Kai xoxoxox