Cooper is an addict. A very adorable and sweet addict, but an addict all the same. In the evenings, it’s all I can do to get five minutes without him crying so desperately for milk that you’d think I hadn’t fed him all day. The trade-off is that he’s been sleeping 5 to 6 hour stretches, then another 2 hour stretch at night, so the binging is obviously worth it. But these hours between 7 and 11 are tough on the old mama.
This weekend, we decided to venture out of the house. On Friday, we went downtown for sushi…
Cooper was a dream-boat and Kenny was so thrilled with a night out on the town that he was in his most charming comic form.
On Saturday we headed out to my parent’s house for my Dad’s 62nd birthday party…
And today we made it to church not only all clean and dressed, but early. Yeehaw. Ah, but we make it look so easy, and the reality is that I have four loads of clean but unfolded laundry on the guest room bed, a full dirty clothes hamper, still at least 10 thank-you’s to get written and mailed for Cooper gifts we got that first week, two weeks worth of mail to open and bills to pay, dirty dishes in the sink, a dog who hasn’t been pet all day (and oh my, have we even fed him yet today?!?) and a husband who hasn’t had a kiss in days, much less a hug with both of my arms.
Ah, but I have managed to find time to nap… me and the exotic new man in my life…
8 responses to “Milk Junkie”
I understand your feelings of not getting a THING done! I still have thank you’s to write from my daughter’s birthday party, my baby shower and my birthday as well! We’re going on almost five weeks behind but what can a mama do? I’m usually so OCD about thank you notes but I’ve realized that four kids including a little man who can’t get enough to eat is a good excuse. I have come to appreciate the evenings and weekends so much when Chris is home to help. I feel like a first time mom again in so many ways but our 7 and 8 year old daughters are such a blessing and such good helpers. Emery, our 2 1/2 year old loves to help as well – sometimes a little too much! 🙄
To top of Maddox’s hunger marathon he’s horribly constipated which is breaking my heart! So, hang in there it sounds like we’re in the same boat in so many ways but all we can do is continue to do our best (even though I doubt my best at times) and thank the good Lord that we have such good husbands and little helpers. 😆
I love the pictures!! That last one is adorable. Such peace!
I understand about all the laundry, the dishes, the pet with no food and the half hugs. But it’s still a wonderful life!!! I’m really happy for you!!
OH yeah, me again, you did better than I did about getting to church and on time. Ours starts at 10:30am, and it takes everything for me to get us all out the door to get there on time. Normally it’s 10:45 or close to 11am when we finally make it! So, youre doing great!!
Welcome to parenthood with 2 little ones!!!
wow. I can’t wait to be a married and a mom. your family is beautiful
I miss my son taking a nap on my chest, one of the best moments as a new dad. I relished in the fact I couldn’t move for the duration. Heaven for the sleep deprived!
I stumbled upon your blog and its adorable. Welcome to the exciting world of two boys. I speak from experience… life will never be the same!
your sons are too cute 😉