Movin’ and Shakin’

Our house is a wreck.   In preparation for the BIG MOVE we have pulled everything out of the three attic crawl spaces, into the respective adjoining rooms and started the process of save/give away/throw away.   Between Casey’s old Kung Fu equipment (body pads, punching bags), my gazillion pairs of dance shoes, theater scripts and bins of maternity clothes/ in-shape clothes and in-between clothes, Kenny’s bins of outgrown clothes and toys, and filing boxes of every scrap of mail that’s entered Casey and my adult lives, you cannot walk through the house  without pole vaulting over something. Couple that with the in-laws visiting and just plain old everyday laundry, bill paying and cleaning, and we’ve got a domestic disaster area on our hands.

For a compulsive neat-freak, this is maddening.

Oh, and I can finally say where we are moving!   Casey has taken a job just outside of Atlanta, Georgia.   Quite a change for our Chesapeake Bay family!   And funny to think that Kenny and Cooper are going to grow up eating grits, instead of steamed blue crabs.   I wonder of they’re going to inherit southern accents??


7 responses to “Movin’ and Shakin’”

  1. Your Biggest Fan Avatar
    Your Biggest Fan

    What a special time, all those memories unfolding before your eyes. Make sure your pole is solidly planted before the vault! Atlanta is nice, outside Atlanta even nicer. Will that make “y’all” suburbanites? Salt and pepper on the grits? Y’all come back now, ya hear.

  2. So you’re moving over to my side of the world. We’re close to Augusta and Atlanta is about 2 1/2 hrs from there. If ya’ll want to keep it seafood, you can always put shrimp in your grits (low country version)! The south is a good place to live!:grin:

  3. Oooh, Atlanta. I have to say I was “more right” than J! He was thinking TN…

    Good luck with the sorting, tossing, etc!

  4. grits rule!!!!!! and yes to the southern accent, just like grammy!!!!!!

  5. Cousin Kelly Avatar
    Cousin Kelly

    Yeah! You’ll be closer to us!! 😆

  6. Welcome to the south! My family and I live in Dalton (about an hour north of Atlanta. I know that moving seems a little over whelming right now, but you will love being in Georgia southern accent and all!

  7. Enjoy Hotlanta! It has everything… but it’s all 45 minutes away.