Pain, Pain, Go Away

Not one minute after I hit “publish” on last night’s post, Kenny was awake and stayed that way for more than two hours.   He was perfectly happy as long as we were all playing, but absolutely adamant against being put back to bed.   It finally took nearly 45 minutes of rocking and bouncing from Casey, and even that only lasted a few hours before he was up again.   Oh if only a baby could get all their teeth at once!   Sure it would be a week or so of hell, but then it would be DONE.   And don’t get me started on the injustice of an infant getting mosquito bites…

As I write, I am sitting in the office floor with our wireless keyboard, and Kenny is crawling across my legs, pulling up my shirt, patting my bottom and intermittently emptying the bookshelf.   Why I am  writing under these conditions, you ask?   Because he’s too tired to take a nap (I will never understand that logic), too cranky for the playpen (which he’s hardly ever in anyway, because I am a SUCKER for his little “Mommy don’t you love me enough to play with me?” look), and I’m too wiped out to think of anything else to do with him.   I just need ten minutes of respite.  

Hey!   He just walked across the room!   Cool.   Now he just bit me in the rear.   Ok.   The ten minutes are up.


One response to “Pain, Pain, Go Away”

  1. Bell, Nozomi Avatar
    Bell, Nozomi

    Hi Kristjana, I love your posts, and reading about little Kenny. I pray his bug bites will go away and that the little guy will go to sleep soon. I am a Mom of triplets. 18 months, all boys. They keep me quite busy, and one seems to always be awake. I recently got a Nanny and she is quite helpful. But I still never seem to have time to myself. Please continue to write. Many of us count on your humor and expertise to keep us going. Nozomi Bell