
Kennys party! 034.jpg         Kennys party! 056.jpg       Kennys party! 040.jpg

Today we celebrated Kenny’s First Birthday (even though it’s not until next Saturday) with some close friends, family, several bottles of wine and lots of fun hors d’oeuvres and oysters.   Kenny was charming to the hilt.   In fact, the only time he cried was when we tried to get him to eat birthday cake.   Go figure.

He was thrilled to have doting grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and neighbors all vying for his attentions, and all delighted to watch his antics and applaud him on.   I think the only thing that could have made it better for him would have been if we let him put a saddle on Dudley and go for a birthday ride!   He ran around the deck with his little push-car for over an hour, laughing and singing “DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAA!” like a mini punk rocker.   He  played  “hey, let’s dump  everything in my room  including the diapers  onto the floor”  with his cousins.   He ate corn on the cob until he was exhausted from the shear effort required and then relaxed in various pairs of arms until it was time for goodnight kisses.   And then he fell asleep so quickly in the rocking chair with me that  I needed to wake him up to finish nursing.   I think we can call the party a success!

We really did it for us, of course.   Oh sure, all the adults had to eat off of jungle animal plates, but I did bring out the real crystal wine glasses, and there were no life-sized characters singing songs or piles of presents to be ripped though.   We had the party to celebrate this precious year we’ve just lived through.   To celebrate this little life that we have the awesome honor of raising up, and to honor all of those who have stood by us and helped us along the way.   Kenny was just happy to have people watching him, clapping for him, and letting him get away with running around like a little rascal for a few hours.   He knew that something special was in the air, but most important, he knew that everyone there really loved him.   He doesn’t care about toys or decorated cakes; all he wants is for people to pay attention to him, to hug him and to sing his crazy songs right along with him.

It was a great day.   Next week, we’ll do something quiet, he, Casey and I.   We’ll spend the whole day playing in the floor, going for walks, tickling and singing silly songs.   We’ll all eat Cheerios for all three meals  and maybe read “Swim Duck, Swim!” 40 times in a row, with no stiffled yawns or lack of enthusiasm.   I can’t believe how fast this year has gone.   I can’t believe my little boy is walking, and starting to talk, and starting to act up on purpose to get a laugh.   I can’t believe we’re going to have to give him a haircut.   I can’t believe how this one tiny guy has changed my life so much – and to so much greater good than I ever expected.

Here’s to you, kiddo.   You’re the best present there ever was.   My sweetest little guy is turning ONE!


PS:   Thanks for the emails and comments on our bathtime dramas.   I think we are going to try one of the toddler seats.   Otherwise, we may move to “showers with Daddy!”



2 responses to “Party!”

  1. CrankMama Avatar

    Showers with Daddy it is!

  2. Happy B-day little guy! The girls had fun playing with you and the farm animals…. oh, and eating your cake!!! :lol::lol::lol: About the tub – Grammy has a great one at her house that you should borrow before buying one. I got it b/c we were over there so often. It attachs to the side of the tub so you don’t have to worry about it tipping over. The one we have here is not attached and you have to hold it. Anyway… thanks for the great party, we had fun!!!