Phantom Calling…

Well, it turns out that yesterday’s rant about my maybe/maybe not cancelled OB appointment was unnecessary.   I went ahead and showed up today, and when I asked about the call, they said, “Hm.. that’s happened a few times before to other patients… just a glitch in the system… ”   So.   There.

My appointment went well, and aside from a sore backside (RhoGam is a mean little pistol… though Kenny thought it was funny that Mommy got an owie in the hiney…) all is as it should be.   (at least I assume it is until I get the results from my glucose test)

I still have a killer cough, but my doc said that my throat was fine, and it was just a cold I’d have to wade through.   Kenny and I actually cough at the same cadence right now, which is pretty amusing.   We spent the afternoon in my bed, reading books, and coughing together.   It was a Hallmark moment.

In other pregnancy-related issues, I am really having a wicked time with acid reflux and heart burn as of late.   It’s ten times worse than it was when I was pregnant with Kenny… I feel like I should start buying Tums by the case.   I almost hesitate to eat anything, because I know that ten minutes later I’ll be in pain.   At least it’s keeping me from gaining too much weight.   Because goodness knows, if it didn’t hurt so much to eat, I’d be packing away a lot more donuts.

mmm… a warm chocolate donut sounds really good right now…


5 responses to “Phantom Calling…”

  1. I feel like we’re sharing the same pregnancy as I’m going through it all with you! I also had my Rhogam shot last week – OUCH! I also have chest/head cold, sore throat and nagging cough as do all three of my daughters!

    Hopefully your glucose test will work out because my didn’t and I’ve been taking insulin shots for months. I had G.D. during all my pregnancies but I can deal with it a bit longer. Your heartburn might be a sign of HAIR! I had HORRIBLE heartburn with all my daughters but this time it’s not as bad and I’m having a boy. All three of our girls were practically born with ponytails – so I believe the myth of heartburn = hair. Try sleeping upright as much as you can take it and I don’t think any over the counter heartburn remedies helped. You might ask your doctor to prescribe something a little stronger because it is horrible!

    Thank you for your blog as I look forward to reading it everyday!

  2. We have a weimaraner as well! We adopted her from a local rescue group that I now help out with. She was very timid at first but now she’s the best dog anyone could ever ask for! She let’s my 2 year old ride her like a pony and doesn’t mind it a bit! She even let our other two daughters – six and eight paint her nails HOT PINK! 🙂

  3. mommyknight Avatar

    I had never had heartburn until I was pregnant, and then it was horrible. I had two girls!!!! Maybe it’s a girl!!

  4. I have 3 boys. I had heartburn with the first one and last one terribly bad. They both had lots of hair at birth.

  5. I can relate to the heartburn issue. I had horrible reflux/heartburn with all three of my pregnancies. That was by far my biggest pregnancy complaint. I was eating so many Tums and also Zantac. I talked to an herbalist though who convinced me that the medications were actually making it worse in the long run. He said all of that stuff screws up the ph of your stomach and causes a rebound reflux. I found that had some truth to it because when I stopped taking all of that after about a week there was a bit of an improvement. Something to think about. Hope you are feeling better.