Photo Recap

After several days of technical difficulties, I am finally back online…. I also finally found my usb cord, so I figured that now would be an opportune time to offer a  photo-tour of our last two and a half weeks here in Florida…

Though I haven’t managed to catch an alligator on film (or the endangered panther, for that matter), the Sand Hill Cranes are so tame that they make it a spot to have a photo shoot…

florida-006.jpg  … these were nearly as tall as Casey, and they are standing in the middle of the fairway behind my in-laws’s house, happy to make the golfers wait.

Casey and Kenny have had a few chances to see some major league baseball Spring Training…. Last Saturday they watched batting practice, and went to a game yesterday…


Dudley has enjoyed the dog-friendly beach in Venice, and has become quite the swimmer, despite his mortal fear of the water, up until now…


Casey has been throwing a tennis ball as far as he can into the waves, and Dudley jumps gamely in, even body-surfing a little on his way back to shore.   I need to get some footage of that on video…

With twice-a-day walks in the Florida sunshine and runs on the golf course and the beach, Dudley has been a veritable couch potato.   He has even succumbed of late to Kenny’s deisre to play hide and seek (in which Kenny both hides and seeks his opponent)…


… then hides himself and waits for someone to realize that he’s ready to be found…


 Then of course, there is the beach!   We have spent several afternoons there when Casey has had time off work…

florida-062.jpg  (notice the almost 23-week belly!)

  Kenny and Mama love the ocean!       florida-088.jpg

In spite of all of his outdoor activity,  Kenny has not been napping very well.   In fact, there have been but a few days that he actually has taken a nap (without me having to walk him in the stroller).   I guess he’s afraid to miss any of the fun!    But he has managed to find times and places to catch some z’s when least expected…


As of now, our plan is to return to Maryland at the end of the week.   The sunshine rocks, but there’s no place like home.   It’s not easy living in someone elses’ house this long, and we are eager to get back to “real life.”   Casey has had a very productive time of work here, and our February tans are all the reminder we need to say it was worthwhile.


3 responses to “Photo Recap”

  1. I just love toddler hide and seek. Wonderful pictures!

  2. Great shots! Love the hide and seek ~ very cute! Glad you had a great time… but we miss you in MD! Praying for your safe travels!

  3. I love the pictures! Looks like a great time! Have ya’ll been guessing around if the baby is a boy or girl? I think I read where you were just going to be surprised! Any particular vibe? My guess is a girl!