Pumpkin Hunting

In a desperately needed break from unpacking, we hit the pumpkin patch yesterday for some fun in the cold autumn sun!


I have received comments from many of you remarking on my seemingly un-fazed attitude over the move, then move back.   Lest I be too fake on this here true-life blog, let me assure you that I am more than a little frazzled by the recent turn of events.   We spent well over two weeks organizing and packing, and are now about to enter our second week of unpacking.   It has been stressful beyond compare; couple that with the wicked lactation hormones and you’ve got a mommy ready to crackle on your hands.   For the first time in years, chocolate is not making everything all better.

Seriously, though, it is what it is, and though it’s been a tough month, at least we are back among friends and loved ones.   And we don’t have to find a new dentist, or pediatrician, or vet, or chiropractor.   As Casey reminded me today, we are in this together, and we can beat ourselves up over how difficult it all is, or we can move on and have fun with it.

Let’s have some fun.



One response to “Pumpkin Hunting”

  1. Wow, It looks so cold there. We are sitting by the camp fire after spending the afternoon on St. Simons Island walking the beach and sipping Pina Coladas. Now back on Jekyll grilling dinner. Miss you all!!!!