I’m still digging out from the move to Arizona, but I wanted to write a quick note to say that Kenny and I have both recovered from our rather harrowing cross-country flight.
Kenny is back to being the sweetest boy on the planet, and I have reinstated myself as Mommy of the Year. (ha ha.. just kidding…) But we are enjoying the first few days of our adventure. Today we traipsed to a baby consignment shop to buy a used crib (I can’t really expect my son to sleep in a pack-n-play for the next three months!), though it is still in pieces on his bedroom floor. Who knew the right screwdriver would be harder to find than a decent crib??? Ah, the perils of living in a rented house! Tomorrow we go on another excursion to find toilet locks (he’s really into the toilets now) and a toddler seat and step to put in the bathroom for his continuing facination with the advent of using the potty.
More to come…
2 responses to “Recovered”
We found the best step and sit potty seat from One Step Ahead. It makes for lots of safe independence! Annie loved it so much that she insisted that we take it with us everywhere for the first few weeks. I was waiting for someone to laugh at me for driving with it in the passenger seat next to me.
Godspeed on your move!
Wait… you bought a crib? If Kenny is saying “poddy” then I think he is ready for a big boy bed… you should have just bought some rails for a bed! I moved both girls to big beds at 16 months. In fact, Kristin doesn’t really need her rails anymore, if you want them. Miss you….