My handsome husband, once dubbed “The Catch of the County” by a co-worker, is turning FORTY tomorrow!
Feel free to send condolences to him via the comments section.
Ha ha.
Personally, I think he’s really just turning 35, and has been fooling me with a phony birth date all these years. But in all seriousness, I am so proud of my man for all that he has accomplished before this milestone! He’s an Ivy League grad who sailed around the world twice before turning 25. After college, he moved to Japan, without even knowing the language, and lived and worked there for just under two years, becoming fluent in the language and nearly as fluent with the culture. He has worked in more countries than I can name. When we got engaged, he informed me that he’d saved up several years worth of frequent flier miles for whomever he wife was to be someday, so that he could fly first class to the other side of the world for the honeymoon of a lifetime. (How lucky was I to be on the receiving end of that!) He is a hard worker, the best at what he does, yet manages to have both breakfast and dinner with me and the boys nearly every day. He can rattle off baseball stats and Bible verses with the best of them, and can still make reading “Curious George Takes a Job” sound fresh even when reciting it aloud for the tenth time in one week. He can sing and play guitar, and can throw Kenny so high into the air, I sometimes have a near heart-attack before he comes down. And he makes the best pancakes ever.
Happy Birthday Baby!!
5 responses to “High Jumping Over The Hill”
Happy Birthday Casey!
Sooo proud of you, Casey You are still as handsome as ever. Happy 40th!!!!!!!!
What a great tribute to your husband! Very sweet! Happy 40th to him!
Happy 40th Birthday, Son! You are just as handsome as ever.
Sounds like we married similar men. Mine just turned 45 and I swear he is going on 16 🙄 and he makes the best popcorn, actually makes them on the stove in a pot – I may have married him for this 😆 Happy b-day to your hubby!