
The day starts with some coffee and chocolate milk on the deck…


Then Daddy and Kenny take off for their weekly breakfast date while Mommy hits prenatal yoga…


Close encounters of the reptile kind (click on this for a better view – a four foot black rat snake that we first saw right on the back porch, peeking in the screened door!!)


In the afternoon, we went to one of the most beautiful weddings we’ve ever witnessed… when the rain came down, the guests all grabbed the chairs and headed to the reception tent where the ceremony went off without a hitch…


Then the sun came out again and shone on the day…


Casey and me… 36 weeks and counting!!  


One response to “Saturday…”

  1. Aunt Syl Avatar
    Aunt Syl

    Hi honey – I’m in!! How exciting. What beautiful pictures. You are a most gorgeous pregnant mama (and Casey is not too bad either!)