Signs of Spring…

The  a trail of mulch, sand and freshly cut grass from the porch door to the kitchen… the wine rack holding a merlot, a malbec and Casey’s fishing pole… the container of nightcrawlers next to the yogurt in the fridge…  the baseball in  Kenny’s  bed alongside his Baa to fall asleep with… the t-ball set anchored in the lawn… the sound of the drawbridge going up every hour on the hour… open windows and a film of pollen on the coffee table… citronella candels on the outside table… a fishing glove, a toddler life jacket and a pair of pliers on the kitchen counter…

Summer can’t be far away!



3 responses to “Signs of Spring…”

  1. Brooke Avatar

    What a great pic! We too are enjoying these great days. I see you mentioned wine, are reds your favorite?

  2. Your yard looks great! 🙂

  3. What a sweet picture! 🙂