So… what’s the secret?




Ok, I think of myself as a pretty put-together kind of gal. I shower and attempt to coordinate my clothing every day. I cook healthy meals three times a day for my family. No one has ever run out of undies because I forgot to do the laundry. (Ok, Casey did once, but that was because he must have worn like, three pairs one day.) Kenny is bright and happy. I make cookies every week.


I have no hobbies. Yes, I blog, but that’s pretty much the extent of my extra-curricular activities these days. I haven’t gone on a run since before our onslaught of medical catastrophies, I read the occasional novel (I’m so hooked on Phillipa Gregory’s yarns about the Tudors…), and Casey and I order chinese food, eat ice cream sundaes and watch 24 every Monday night. But no scrapbooking, no online chat rooms, no home-based business, no sewing my own clothes, no gardening, no playing Mah Jong, nothing.

I am not entirely lamenting my own lack of super-productivity, I am merely bewildered at the laundry list of accomplishments my stay-at-home contemporaries seem to boast. Kenny runs me from the minute he wakes up at 5:30 (Usually with a “DADA HOLD YOU!” cry) until his one-hour-to-the-minute nap midday, then until he crashes at 7. I can barely unload the dishwasher without him climbing in there and unscrewing the propeller. I can only shower and get ready during the first 15 minutes of Sesame Street in the morning, because after that, he’s bored and it’s back to All Mama, All the Time.

What I want to know is, when do you women have time? Do your kids nap for four hours a day? Are they TV junkies? Do they just like playing by themselves? Do you have a Nanny? Or am I just not as organized as I thought?

Let me hear what you have to say!

kenny 001.jpg


10 responses to “So… what’s the secret?”

  1. Multitasking! ๐Ÿ˜† You know it is easier when they are older and can play by themselves. My fun thing is when we are having craft time, I start the craft with them and then do my own craft. The girls love to make cards and I can make one too. I don’t sew but I did take an old pair of torn jeans and make it into a smock for the girls to use to paint. When I bake, they help crack the eggs… you get the picture. Sis, you are one of the moms that I look up to the most. You are always so organized and on top of things. You spend your day teaching your little one new things and playing with him… THAT is the best hobby of all! You accomplish so much more on a day to day basis than I ever could. Oh, we are starting a Moms Day Out program here and when you get back you can join in too. It will run kind of like a babysitting co-op with poker chips and all. (((Hugs))) :mrgreen:

  2. Don’t discount blogging as a hobby! It’s not just blogging, it’s writing. Writing, posting pictures, journaling – it’s all a creative outlet and that’s what a hobby is. And just think of how much Kenny is going to appreciate the documentation of his life when he’s grown and raising kids of his own. (Now pick your jaw up off the floor after getting THAT mental image!) And it will get better. One day you will realize that he’s becoming more and more independant and you’ll wonder what to do with yourself!

    One of the things that I did (and still do with my youngest) is have them in a Mother’s Day Out program. It was twice a week from 9:00 to 2:00. It was the best thing I did for them. They got to play with kids their own age. They got to practice being away from me. And I got some time to myself. The MDO program that we chose actually has a cirruculum (sp?) starting around age 2. They learn about basics like letters, colors, shapes, numbers, etc, but it’s all Bible-based teaching. They do fun crafts, color, learn Bible stories and also learn social skills. It’s just amazing. I am very blessed that God led us to this program.

    But I’m taking up a ton of space here! I’m toying with a post on my blog about how I’m still trying (with a 7 year old and an almost 4 year old) to be my own person with grown-up interests and activities while being an involved mom. Should be interesting! I’ll let you know when I post it!

  3. I’ve actually wondered the same thing at times. Right now, my husband takes care of our son while I work. But hopefully soon, that will change. I’ve always wanted to be at home taking care of him. But anyway, I get to take care of him all day on the weekends. I read where people do this and that and the other and I wonder HOW DO THEY DO THAT? Between feeding, chasing him around everywhere, changing diapers, kissing booboos, playing/learning, where do ladies fit the other stuff in? My son is highly active. It’s taking a while getting him to drink out of a sippy cup, and he doesn’t eat alot of table foods yet; so I’m not sure our Mother’s Day Out guys would like that too much.

  4. Amanda Avatar

    ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m a regular reader of your blog and I am going to comment on this post because it is so near and dear to my heart! Bravo to you for actually asking what other moms do because I am always wondering the same thing! You know, I think it is amazing that you actually finish novels because I have started like 10 novels in the past five years I have been home with my kids and I never finished one. However, I do read People magazine cover to cover the instant I hit the couch on Friday nights. ๐Ÿ™„ I constantly entertain ideas to you know…”enrich” my time at home but I don’t follow through. If I do have a spare moment I am usually online reading blogs, but I’ve never blogged on my own. I keep thinking I’m going to do that some day but for now reading others’ blogs is so much fun! Oh shoot…I will continue this post later (as I did actually have a point) but my 4 year old wants me to make good on my promise that I would finish that Thomas track that we starte d building yesterday afternoon before he heads off to preschool after lunch…so gotta skedaddle.

  5. You are plenty organized! You are a wise, loving mommy who spends her days with her beloved son and is intimately involved in his life. There is a never ending list of things to be done every moment of the day, one that can never truly be finished. Especially when the top things to do on your list are live with God, take care of husband, and take care of children.

  6. 24 is like crack. We’re also addicted. Obviously, having not been blessed with the wee ones yet, I have nothing to offer in the how to get it done. I’m still ashamed to admit I only have two ill-behaved dogs yet don’t manage to get the dishes washed 75% of the time. Serious squalor.

  7. I am not a mommy to two-legged kids yet, so I can’t help you… but I can say that I, too, am bewildered when I read about what the other moms out there accomplish in a day! I am usually up until midnight or 1 am, after hubby and the pups go to bed, catching up on my blogging and doing last-minute work things. When I have human children that will be keeping me up through the night, keeping me busier during the day, etc., I wonder how I’ll juggle everything!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  8. Hi Kristjana!
    You really have 3 children (I think the pooch counts for at least 2 – 2 year olds!). LOL. He’s so cute. You also forgot that you can memorize looong scripts for our church drama team –now that is amazing! You always have parties that look catered…You also make THE BEST chocolate cake on this planet….
    I think you are a very well rounded, organized person!

  9. i think you have more hobbies than you realize…judging from the posts on your blog. your time looks to be spent nurturing and growing yourself and your family…that is something quite beautiful. anyway…you are ahead of me with the showering EVERY day…something i don’t quite accomplish day in and day out! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Back in TX, when I had friends, we’d get together once a month and “craft”. Some would scrapbook, others cross stitch…just whatever you want…or nothing at all. Maybe you could find a good book club that meets once a month or something. In the end, the thing that matters most is finding a balance in being with your kid(s) and staying true to yourself.

    As far as encouraging independent play-I got Claire a tape of music that she could only play in her room (it was the only cassette player in the house) and that really helped her desire to be in her room while I did something else. I think it gives kids security in class type situations when they know they can entertain themselves.

    And all that cooking/baking is not something to overlook! I know your lunches are way tastier than mine!