“The Mommy Back Home” just started her own blog, called Half My Heart. Congratulations and good luck, Kimmie!
Speaking of blogging, “Mommy Blogging” in particular, this is a good time to reflect on how theraputic writing a blog has been for me. Journaling is one of the best ways to produce an outlet for your thoughts, feelings and emotions, as well as to hone your communication skills and writing style. But Blogging gives the journal a whole new dimension: an audience. As any writer knows, a good author always has an audience in mind; with a blog, your audience isn’t imagined, but real and tangible. Blogging gives you an opportunity not only to let your thoughts spill out, but also to learn control: do you really want to write that? Is there a better word to use to describe how I feel? Some bloggers use the web as a free-zone to use as much profanity as they can think of (you’d be surprised how many Mommy Blogs out there are so peppered with the F-word that they should come with a parental control), but most use their blogs to express themselves in a way that their children can someday be proud of. Can you imagine having a nearly daily account of your own babyhood, writen by your Mom, to read someday when you have a child of your own? Consider it! I hope that I can give a book to Kenny one day that he can read and see how much his Dad and I love him, as well as read about all the circus-like antics we put up with!
So get out there and write! Think of the laptop as the new therapy couch…