I think that Kenny is definitely getting the hang of chilling at the pool and spending his days in the sun. He’s even found a girlfriend…
For my part, if there is anyone back home who doesn’t know I’m expecting, there is definitely no hiding it… the belly has popped. Last night after dinner, Casey looked down at my belly and said, “So, um, you still have five months to grow?” Ha ha… oh baby…
6 responses to “Super Star”
cute pics and quick stories….sounds like you are all having some great family time!
I love the second picture with the “girlfriend”… Kenny looks so much like Casey in that pic.
Miss you guys….
It is so cold here… soak in as much heat as you can!
5 months! YAY!!!! Right around the time my Nong Pleng (which, roughly translated from Thai is “little song” or “little music”) is set to be born (tomorrow ends week 19)! I hope you don’t mind if my wife and I print out all your postings for first-hand notes!!!
Freddie Mac
I’m so glad ya’ll are having a great time!! Kenny’s pics are soooo cute! I had my 2nd son in Dec. I’ll have to email you the Joshua/Justin moments! I’m so happy for you and your pregnancy. It’s a wonderful feeling!
adorable family! and a new addition on the way – love your blogs and stories!! keep m coming! ;o) BLESSINGS!
Hi there, I was just surfing the internet and found your blog. I am a mother too, so I like reading other peoples experiences with their children. Looks like your having a great vacation, I would love to go to Hawaii 🙂 I also noticed your little one is wearing sunglasses. I found these awesome sunglasses for my daughter called My First Shades. They offer 100 UV protection and they come in a lot of fun colors that my daughter loves. Just thought i’d shares since she loves them so much. Hope you have a god day 🙂