Tired, still. Stop.
Add an ear infection to Cooper’s roster; Giant Pharmacy running promotion for free antibiotics for the month of January; Pharmacist joked today that our family is making them broke; Ha. Ha ha ha, can I punch you even if you’re wearing a lab coat? Stop.
Kenny finally sick, too. Croup. Rx for Prednisone. Oh my gracious. The only thing worse than giving a three-year-old prednisone is giving it to a weimaraner. Yes, and we did that once, too. Stop.
3 responses to “Telegram Post”
KT was sent home with a fever today and won’t eat. 🙁 bummer
Ready for a martini?
I feel your pain! My 2 and 3 year olds were both diagnosed with RSV yesterday. To make it even better, the three year also has strep throat.
I am so ready for spring!!!