The Adventure Continues

Kenny was gloriously happy today… and a good thing, because for the last three days he has gone from cranky to boorish to pathetically whiny and back again for hours at a time.  

But after waking up this morning (after the “O juice?” and “Nack?” were taken care of) he went to the dresser drawer where I’ve been keeping his random things like baby Motrin and Orajel, and pulled out the medicine bag, held it up to me and said, so sweetly, “Med-sin?” then stuck his fingers in his mouth.   I knew a few days ago that two teeth were breaking through, but when I ran my finger around his gums, I found two more poking through his tender gums.   Four teeth in a matter of four days!   No wonder my little trooper was feeling irritable!   A few doses of Motrin, and he was back to his loving, adorable self all day.

Another challenge from the last few days has been that diaper changes are becoming a matter nearly necessary for the National Guard to intervene.   We’re talking no less than seventeen minutes to change a diaper, and that’s with kicking, screaming, scratching and howling.   Ah, but today’s first diaper change, with Kenny soothed on his Motrin, brought a whole new dimension: Kenny discovered his manhood.  

He sat there  staring, then giggled, and then poked, giggled, looked at me with a huge, “Hey Mom!   Have you seen this thing??” grin on his face.   And diaper changes will never be the same again.   Now it’s all I can do to get him to lay down and let me put the diaper back on.   As Casey says, today starts an infatuation that will last the next eighty years.

Moving on…  I found a way to combat the dubious lack of sunblock protection afforded by Baby Coppertone…

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… sand works wonders as nature’s sunblock…

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And tromping on the beach is the best way to seduce a toddler into an afternoon nap…

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All this and the day was topped off by one of the most delicious, first class dinners I could have ever imagined.   We decided to go for one more gourmet dinner, and drove about 15 miles down the coast to eat at a phenominal spot called Sarentos, which is right on the beach.   We saw a mama and baby humpback whale jump and do flips in the air as we ate gloriously prepared food, enjoyed impecable service and watched mesmerized by the most beautiful sunset I’ve ever seen…

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… it just got more incredible as each moment passed…

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So with full bellies and happy hearts, we headed back  to Lahaina.    I can hardly believe we still have four more days in this paradise… and I have only four more days until my 15K race!   After  all the eating we’ve done, I’m afraid my run will be more like a waddle.   Cross your fingers for me!


3 responses to “The Adventure Continues”

  1. I cracked up at that sand picture! He looks like he has a hairy chest!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
    That sunset looks awesome! Wish we could enjoy it with you!

  2. Sounds like you are having a fabulous time in the HAwaiian sun, I am slightly jealous as today was minus 45 with wind chill here in Canada……..alas. Glad you get some quality time with the most important men in your life. Good luck with your run in a few days!

  3. Can’t wait to hear how the race went. It does look like you all have had a great time together.