The Art of Moving & a Living the Dream Contest!

As we wrap up our last eight days or so here in Arizona, we are in a whirlwind of last minute “To Dos:”

Packing.   Health Certificate for Dudley.   Anti-anxiety pills for Dudley.   Packing.   Scheduling someone to mow our lawn so we don’t return to a jungle.   Scheduling delivery of some new porch furniture so that it doesn’t arrive before we do.   Scheduling swim lessons and doctor’s appointments for our first few weeks back.   Packing.   Cleaning our rental house.   Finding someone to clean our other house before we return, as it’s been inhabited by a bachelor for the last four months.   Last minute playgroups and get-togethers before we say good-bye.   Trying to eat all the stuff in the pantry and freezer so we don’t have to throw it out.   Did I mention packing?

You might say we have a dream life of living in two of the most beautiful places during the year.   Arizona winters and Maryland summers.   But have any of you moved a large dog (with all  of his  paraphenalia), a toddler (with all  of his  paraphenalia), two avid readers who buy two or three books a week (and both refuse to part with them), and a guitar back and forth across the country every few months??   No long drives and U-hauls for us, no sir.   We fly.   And ship things.   I’m already thinking of taking one of Dudley’s anxiety pills, just thinking about all this….

Not to mention that 24 ended last night, and since it was the only TV show Casey and I watch, it can only mean buying more books.   We need a library card.   Or we need to learn to let go.

So since I’m in the midst of frazzles, I decided that now would be a good time to have a contest.   The owners of the t-shirt company LTDChix  have offered to sponsor  a “Living the Dream” contest.   Here are the rules:

Are you missing those days of happy hours with your girlfriends, romantic trips with your hubby and wearing dry clean only clothing?   Then this conest is for you!   If you’re suddenly realizing that you are delieriously happy over changing diapers, listening to Sesame Street’s greatest hits all day and starting a fashion statement with the toddler handprints all over your new khaki pants, then we want to hear about it.   Please write out your best “living the dream” moment of motherhood; frantic, sweet, frazzled or triumphant and email  it to me.   Click on the Mommy  Story of the Week side bar for all the rules and the contact form.  The contest will run  until May 28th, and I will be anouncing the two winners, and posting their stories, on Tuesday, May 29th.

Good luck!  


One response to “The Art of Moving & a Living the Dream Contest!”

  1. sounds like a fun challenge! (the contest…NOT the packing) I’ll take it! (the fun contest challenge…NOT the packing). Wishing you well. Enjoy your last few days in the valley of the sun!:)