Tomorrow Casey and I celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary! It seems like just yesterday, and a while lifetime, all at once. Casey is the man of my dreams!! (I love you, sweetie!)
Here’ s a flashback, just for fun:
This was taken halfway through our honeymoon. I can hardly believe how young we both look… I was just shy of 30 and Casey was the age I am now. We went to Bali (Indonesia) and it was the trip of a lifetime. At the end of it, we vowed to go back for our five-year anniversary, but now the thought of leaving Kenny and Cooper while we fly literally around the wold seems impossible. Maybe for our tenth??
5 responses to “The Big Five”
THat’s so funny. We said the same thing. We were going to our honeymoon destination on our 5th. Now that it’s actually rolling around this summer we have settled for my husband’s college reunion doubling as our celebration. Just can’t seem to leave the kiddos for too long.
We did a trip for our tenth. Of course, we couldn’t afford where we REALLY wanted to go, so we ended up with a weekend nearby. But it was the time away that was the best part.
sounds like a good time for you all! need a sitter?
Happy Anniversary!!!!
Happy Anniversary you two!!!! You haven’t changed a bit except for those 2 great little guys running (crawling) around. Life is good! Love you both so much! Mom and Dad (Gramma and Papa)