Today my Mommy came over to help out a little with watching Kenny, while all the construction workers were here, so that I could take care of a little housekeeping. As her assistant, she brought four and a half year-old Kaitie with her, my sweet and creative niece.
It was a circus to be sure. For awhile there, we not only had the usual suspects (Kenny, Dudley and me), but Kaitie and my Mom, two electricians, a carpenter and my friend Kim, along with her one-year-old and four-year-old, to go over things in the house in preparation for her housesitting adventure here next week. At one point, the lead electrician Donny looked at me and said, “This couldn’t get much crazier, could it?” and looked out at a sea of chaos, with Dudley leading the fray. But things eventually quieted down mid-afternoon when the number of people in the house decreased by half and the electrcians finished up. Kaitie and Kenny retired to his room to relax, and when I peeked in, I saw this:
Moments later, Kenny brought his book out to my Mom to read to him, and Kaitie stayed behind to play alone in Kenny’s room. Although, “played” is perhaps a generous term. After everyone had left, I walked into Kenny’s room to pick up all the toys and was overwhelmed with the aroma of coffee. Coffee? Turns out, I had left my half-full morning coffee cup on the bookshelf, too high for Kenny to reach, but not for Kaitie. She had “borrowed” the feather duster at one point in the afternoon, telling me that there was some dust in Kenny’s room. I gladly handed it over, figuring that at least some portion of the room might get dusted, never dreaming of what she would do. She found the coffee cup, and carefully dipping the feather duster into the cafe au lait, “dusted” the walls, the bookshelf and most of the toys. Several hours later, the sticky brown liquid was firmly congealed to everything.
Kenny thoroughly enjoyed all the excitement of the day. He didn’t bother to nap (but that’s not news), and instead fell asleep at 4:45 in his highchair with one hand still stuffing macaroni and marinara into his mouth. I gently cleaned him off and picked him up, at which time he woke up and started pointing at the stairs and crying, “Nigh, Nigh!” I literally took off his clothes as we walked to his room, and put on his PJs while holding him. He was asleep before the clock struck five.
The wild events of the day wore my other little guy out too:
One response to “The Feather Duster Queen”
:oops::oops::oops: So sorry that Kaitie did that…. she is a little nut! Thanks for having her over, though. Kristin really needed me and we spent 2 hours at the doctor (she even got X-Rayed)…