There is no such thing as traveling light with a one-year-old. As I put Kenny’s things together to pack for a three and a half day trip to Colorado, I realized that half his suitcase was toys, a quarter was diapers and the rest as many outfits and sweaters as I could smash in. He is packed with not a centimeter to spare in a suitcase that I could take on a two week trip to Europe, and still have room for souveneirs on the way home.
But any angst I had over packing entertainment and cleaning supplies for the little guy cannot compare to the adventure that it will be to have him on my lap tomorrow for four hours in the middle seat on a plane. This is the kid who won’t even sit still to eat, much less sit in my lap for more than two pages of a book. Oh, help us all. Too old to just sleep through it, too young to be entranced with a DVD. Do you think the flight crew will let him run laps around the plane? Do you think they’ll let him help push the drink cart? My palms are sweaty just thinking about it. Last time I flew with him, I swore it was the last time without buying him a seat. And that was before he learned to walk. And here we go again…

One response to “Traveling Light”
I’ll be praying for your trip. Also, ask when you check in because they might have room for him to have his own seat. I have always found it easier when the kids have their own car seat to be in.