Typing One-Handed…

… makes it rough to write, especially with a woodpecker on my shoulder!   Cooper is a nighttime feast-er.   He screams and nurses, and that’s about all I do from 6pm to 10.   I think of blogging everyday, but by the time I get Cooper down for the night, I fall into bed myself.   Woe to mommyblog.com!


We had an awesome party Saturday night to celebrate Casey’s 39th birthday.   Live music – Caribbean steal drums – and we even had it catered.   We’ve been wanting to have a big blow-out party for a long time, so what’s a better time than the present??   We had our guests bring “exotic” wines and beers, and it was a blast.   Casey was the birthday boy, but Kenny and Cooper were the celebrities.   Good friends (including one of Casey’s long-time friends who came in from Denver) were aplenty, the weather was perfect and we danced the night away.   We hired a babysitter each for Kenny and Cooper, so we could actually talk to friends and finish our sentences.   It was one of the most fun nights I’ve ever had!

Tomorrow is Casey’s actual birthday, and he keeps joking that it’s going to be tough to top Saturday night.   Goodness, between nursing and entertaining Kenny (or at the very least, keeping Kenny from coloring the walls and brushing Dudley’s teeth while I’m nursing), and with Cooper’s absolute aversion to cars and driving anywhere more than five minutes, it’s been tough to shop for gifts and plan more than the day ahead.   (How we pulled off a party is a wonder… the internet  and credit cards are  wonderful things…)   Anyway, my sweet, wonderful better half begins his last year of his thirties tomorrow.  

I love you Casey!



4 responses to “Typing One-Handed…”


  2. Tom and Julie Essenburg Avatar
    Tom and Julie Essenburg

    WHAT FUN pictures and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CASEY! Ann Clark (our daughter who just had Elliana 7 weeks ago told us about your blogspot…)WHAT an adorable baby and handsome family God has blessed you with! Tom really appreciated Casey’s recent call. It meant alot to him. Blessings and Prayers, Julie for Tom/Julie Essenburg

  3. Hey Cook Family! Not sure if you remember us, but we met you at Founders and I have met Casey at RZIM before! Well looks like we both had our babies, and boy is Cooper just PRECIOUS! I love the hair! Elliana has that much too just BLACK! You can check her out at our blogspot (see above) Brit Elwell gave me your website and I was soo excited about it! It is so nice to hear stories and have other moms to be in touch with! Sounds iike your party for Casey was SOOOOO FUN! Well hope to keep in touch! Ann Clark for Billy & Elliana Would love to get together if you are ever in Atlanta!

  4. You have one of the best blogs I’ve ever read!!!!! Hands down!!