He may not feel well, but he’s still a charmer!!
I actually find myself at a loss of what to write. Kenny is still not quite himself, Dudley is still a shadow of his normal crazed whirlwind, and I still can’t seem to shake my cold. Today was fine; nothing to note, nothing to complain about. It was one of those rare days where I found myself staring off into space in the middle of reading, “Swim, Duck, Swim!”
Is it ok to admit that being a housewife is somestimes boring? Corporate types can admit that they sometimes tire of their jobs, why can’t a Mommy? It doesn’t mean that I don’t love everything about raising my son and running my household, but some days it just isn’t as fun as I think it should be. I love Kenny more than I ever thought it was possible to love a child, and yet…
…well, sometimes it’s boring staying at home. Sometimes I look at the clock, certain that it must be time to start dinner, and I find it’s only two o’clock. Sometimes I get tired of playing legos and strolling around the block and doing laundry and washing sippy cups. Sometimes I wish I could get up and stretch and go to the water cooler and talk about the elections or Britney Spears or the sale at Nordstroms. Sometimes I wish I had a lunch break where I could order a nice salad instead of eating the crusts off of Kenny’s toast and the rest of his pear and the little pieces of cheese that he didn’t manage to get into his mouth.
Maybe I just need to go to bed. As I sit here staring at the screen, I can suddenly think of 99 super-adorable things Kenny did today and I remember how wonderfully blessed my life is. So please don’t read this and think I’m ungrateful. I love this life, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Maybe I need a night out.
Note to Husband: Date Night Needed!!
One response to “Under the Weather”
Don’t feel guilty. Every mom feels this way at one point or another. It is part of being a SAHM! (stay at home mom 😉 ) I’m glad Kenny is feeling better today, although it was a bit strange he didn’t want to play at the mall – but I figured it was b/c he was mad at me b/c you weren’t there! Oh – and we DO have a night out… on Monday night… remember???!!! Meeting first, then fun time! One last thing…. cherish the boring moments, soon he will be two and then three and then 14. I find myself at a never stopping day and I look at the clock and can’t believe it is 5 pm!