We Wish You a Merry Christmas!


The last week has been a happy blur: a trip to New York (and a Broadway show!), wrapping presents, time with family, opening presents and eating.     Kenny especially enjoyed time in New York with his eight-year-old cousin, Ryan…


And Packing!   We leave sweet Dudley tomorrow in a capable house-sitter’s hands and jet off for our annual vacation.   Casey and I have spent the last two nights packing, re-packing and packing again.   It’s just not as easy to escape with a two-year-old in tow!

We bought Kenny his first tricycle for Christmas, and the look on his face when he saw it under the tree, with it’s big red bow, was fantastic.   We even took it over to my parents’ house for the day, so that he and his cousins could play with it, before he leaves it for two weeks.   I think his second favorite present were two t-shirts I bought him:  Cookie Monster and Big Bird… he put them on right away (one on top of the other).  


 We only had four presents for him this morning, but the grandparents, aunts and uncles and other assorted gift-givers ensured that he had a mountain of presents to open this Christmas week.   It was such fun to watch him examine each gift, and even more fun to watch him tear into a package, saying, “What is it??”   It makes Christmas such a new joy to see it through the eyes of my own child.

 On another note, one of my “goals” for this vacation, is to really work on my writing.   I was in such a great place for a while, writing everyday (either on this blog or writing articles for other things), yet its slipped so far into the depths of a things-to-do list that my groove is gone.   I miss it, and need to make time for it again.   So stay tuned… I don’t know how often I’ll have internet connections on this trip, but it will post when I can.

Merry Christmas to all, and my God bless this New Year!



2 responses to “We Wish You a Merry Christmas!”

  1. Merry Christmas & a Unlimited Blessed 2008! To one of my new fav bloggers! :o)
    Amy & Kai xoxoxo

  2. I wanted to wish you a very Happy New Year!! This will be a fun-filled and exciting year for you!!! Stop by our site (www.pinksandblues.com) and enter yourself in the Virtual Baby Shower… !!! Lots of great stuff to be giving away… all must-needs (and some fun stuff) for the new baby and mama!!!!!