Whale Watching, and Other Adventures

Since I have finally gotten over my lingering morning sickness, Casey and Kenny and I ventured out on a whale watch a few days ago with the Pacific Whale Foundation.   The trip was incredible: we saw at least 15 whales, including a juvenile who put on an  unbelievable show, jumping fully out of the water and  tapping his tail against the surf to the beat of a song the staff played for him underwater.   The only catch was that whale watching involves lots of waiting around with the motor off, which thereby involves an unexpected amount of floating in the waves… which all cummulated in one very vomitous two-year-old boy.


Kenny lives his life with gusto, not doing anything half-heartedly, including vomiting, and he took out all three of our t-shirts, and Casey and his shorts as well.   Within a half hour on dry land, though, he was back to normal, inhaling a turkey sandwich, and pointing at the boats in the harbor, saying, “We took that boat today!”  

The seasickness didn’t interfere with his slugging ability, either, and his t-ball skills have gotten quite impressive…


… as have his soccer skills…


His favorite beach activity is “surfing” – he lays on his boogie board and Casey runs him up and down the beach.   That and just generally being a rascal…



2 responses to “Whale Watching, and Other Adventures”

  1. I am surprised that you did so well whale watching since you are pregnant. I probably would have felt sick.

  2. im surprised too (above comment) – bravo! and again………that Kenny is a cutie pie! :o) so much fun!