Month: January 2007

  • The Adventure Continues

    Kenny was gloriously happy today… and a good thing, because for the last three days he has gone from cranky to boorish to pathetically whiny and back again for hours at a time.   But after waking up this morning (after the “O juice?” and “Nack?” were taken care of) he went to the dresser…

  • Farmers Tan

    Kenny has a wicked farmer’s tan.   Not for lack of slathering SPF 50 all over his tiny body everytime we set foot near a ray of sun.   I noticed it today after I gave him his third bath of the day (he gets really sandy, ok?).   Super cute.   I took some…

  • Run, Mama, Run

    I am running in my first post-baby race a week from today.   I was actually supposed to do this back in August, but due to many circumstances (namely, my lack of proper training), I was forced to drop out.   So it will be a 15K one week from now.   I think it…

  • From Hawaii, With Love

    Have you ever come to realize just how much you love someone, just how affectionate you are towards them, when you have a span of time with nothing to do but enjoy their company? That’s how I feel about Casey and Kenny right now. The two of them make my life such a joy, and…

  • Buzz

    Casey decided to get a buzz cut today, and we decided to get one for the little wiggler, too. After all, what is cuter than a little kid with a buzz? And in Hawaii at that? Here are the before and after shots… This morning, post beach walk: And this afternoon, post clippers: I have…

  • Surfin’ USA

    Kenny turns out to be half fish, half boy. Who could guess how much he would love the water and the sand? As I write, Kenny is at the door yelling, “Beeeech! Beeech!” He is fearless, plowing through the surf, crashing into the tiny waves that roll over the protective reef. He is mesmerized with…