Month: January 2007

  • Silence Shattered

    For the second night in a row, Kenny woke up at 1:15 AM last night and started screeching.   It started off innocently enough as a cry, then a cry of “Maaaaaamaaaaaa!” then morphed into a screech that nearly took out the baby monitor on the nightstand. Casey went in, and the screams got louder.…

  • Technical Difficulties

    It seems that the latest post I wrote, “Things I Learned Today” was on this page for several hours – at least long enough for a couple of you to comment on it! – and then disappeared during a WordPress glitch this afternoon.   Ah… if only I had a draft copy to re-post, as…

  • “AaaaLooo?” … and other phenomenons…

    Yesterday, Kenny picked up one of the phones, something he does often, but rather than playing with the buttons or mutely holding it to his ear, got a concentrated look and shouted, “AaaaLoo?   Aaaalooo??”   I snorted out a laugh ~ mon dieu! he sounded too French!   Then he handed the phone to…

  • Times, They Are A Changin’

    Our first week here in Arizona is drawing to a close, and I think it’s safe to say that we are settling in.   The weather is cooler than we expected (30’s in the morning, high 60’s in the afternoon), but we’re loving every minute of life out here so far.   Kenny is the…

  • Recovered

    I’m still digging out from the move to Arizona, but I wanted to write a quick note to say that Kenny and I have both recovered from our rather harrowing cross-country flight. Kenny is back to being the sweetest boy on the planet, and I have reinstated myself as Mommy of the Year.   (ha…

  • The Day That Lasted a Year

    Yesterday I was “that woman” with “that poor baby” on the plane from Baltimore to Phoenix.   I have never been “that woman” before, nor has Kenny ever been “that poor baby” – not even close.   Oh, I’ve been on “that flight” before where “that woman” couldn’t control, soothe or quiet “that poor baby”…

  • Three Cheers For the Little Guy

    Kenny asked, for the first time today, to go to the “Poddy!” and actually did his business there. Whoa. Recently, since he is so dramatic when he poops, I’ve been saying, “Kenny, are you pooping?   Do you need to go to the potty?” and I’ll take him in there.     Not with the…

  • No One Said it Was Easy Being One.

    Kenny’s jet-lag and travel fatigue finally caught up with us today. He woke up too early, too hungry and too grouchy. He had his moments of Most Charming Baby on the Planet, of course, but the bulk of the day was a little hair-raising. It was one of those days where he begged to be…

  • Back to Reality

    … or as close to it as being a mommy to a wild and wonderfully spastic 16-month-old can be.   My own sweet Mommy came over today to play with Kenny for a few hours so that I could go through a tower of three-week-old mail, pay bills and clean this horrifically dirty house (Kenny…

  • A Nutshell

    This is going to have to be short.   We arrived home yesterday afternoon, happy and exhausted, and have been going nonstop since.   You see, we have the unique opportunity with Casey’s job to go live in Arizona for three months, just as we did last year, and we leave this week.   How…