Month: August 2007
Play Ball
Kenny and I went to visit Casey in his office today, and kidnapped him to go early to tonight’s Oriole’s game. We arrived in time for batting practice, had some Boog’s barbeque in homerun court, then left at the top of the second inning. (Hey, leaving before Kenny gets cranky is key, and…
Weekend Out
This weekend was a whirlwind for Casey and I, as we had some friends in from out of town for the weekend. Friday night was a dinner cruise on a small private yacht that we chartered with lots of laughs and wine. Saturday we had a dinner party at our house with three…
Tails of Woe
For those of you who are regular readers, you know that we have a zany-spastic-highly-intelligent-yet-slightly-snotty-but-still-lovable-and-all-around-good-boy weimaraner named Dudley. On Thursday, he had some minor surgery to remove a small tumor from his elbow. We were given a “cone” to discourage chewing the site, and some pain meds. Ok, that lasted five…
Over the last two weeks, Kenny has exploded into the world of Imagination. He goes on imaginary shopping trips, where he scans the grocery aisles for cheese and pickles and snack-bars; he bakes cakes and cookies in the bathroom while I’m taking a shower (including twirling himself around to simulate the standing mixer!), then showers…
A Little Bit of Yee-Haw
Casey and I have returned from our trip out to the Clarke County Fair to see Rodney Atkins. We sat in the front row, about 3 feet from him, in that tiny county venue. No doubt a few years from now, he’ll be so big we’ll pay 100s of dollars to sit within…
Out with the Grownups
Some good friends of Casey and mine rented out a party suite at a concert hall tonight, and we headed out for some grown-up fun to see Jars of Clay perform in the city. It was a great night – cocktails at our friends’, then off to the concert where we ran into many…
Join the Club
We just returned from the vet, where we learned that Dudley has a tumor on his ankle that needs to be removed. His surgery is scheduled for this coming Thursday. The good news is that tumors in young dogs like Dudley (who is 3 1/2) tend to be benign. We have already…
“Everything I ever needed to know…”
Do you remember that poster that was really popular several years ago, titled, “Everything I Ever Needed to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten” by Robert Fulghum? It’s sweet sentiment makes you want to be a little kid again, and makes us misty-eyed at the wonderful world it would be if people kept core values…
Belated “Out of Office Reply”
We decided at the spur of the moment on Wednesday to fly the coup and get out of town for a few days. Actually, we had been planning on going to the beach for a week following Casey’s surgery for his recovery, but when the surgery was rescheduled, then cancelled, we cancelled our trip.…
Still Counting it all Joy
For reasons too long to recount, Casey’s surgery (scheduled for this morning) is being re-scheduled again. He is fine, and will have it done in the next few weeks, depending on the surgeon’s schedule… He passes along his thanks for the well-wishes, and we’ll keep you posted! So let’s get back to the “mommy”…