Month: January 2008
Power Play
No nap again for Kenny today. That is, no nap until I’d endured an hour of “quite time” (after the half hour he ran wild during the attempted enforced nap) which involved him standing at the top of the stairs the whole time, shouting down, “Mama? My quiet time all done yet?” …
My Little Gentleman
Kenny has started to turn into a little Man of Manners. Today, as I got ready for church, he looked at me and said, “You look pretty, Mama!” A few moments later I sneezed, and he said, “Bless you, Mama!” Then after I fixed his breakfast, he said, “Thanks, Mama! This is…
Literally Speaking
Tonight as I kissed Kenny goodnight, I said, “Remember, if you need anything, you call me and I’ll run, run, run and see you!” It’s what I’ve said every night for as long as he’s been weaned. He always smiles and says, “Mama will look up, and run, run, run to see me!”…
Dudley’s Anatomy
Kenny and I often begin the pre-dawn hours curled up in our big chair looking over the water, sipping our chocolate milk and coffee. Dudley will wind himself into an impossibly small ball on the ottoman and we will read books until the sun comes up. Yesterday, Dudley was a little late coming…
Wiped Out
We got home to Maryland on Tuesday, and though the jet-lag has been manageable, the general fatigue and unending list of things to do is drowning me. Not only did we walk into a house that was still decorated to the nines for Christmas, but our awesome Dudley-sitter is a bachelor, and while his…
Super Star
I think that Kenny is definitely getting the hang of chilling at the pool and spending his days in the sun. He’s even found a girlfriend… For my part, if there is anyone back home who doesn’t know I’m expecting, there is definitely no hiding it… the belly has popped. Last night after…
Art Appreciation 101
One of the things we’ve done frequently when we’re not on the beach here is go to art galleries. There are at least 20 different galleries in Lahaina alone, and last night we drove back to that side of the island for dinner. As we strolled through one particular gallery, Kenny looked up…
We Are One Tan Family!
For our last week in Hawaii, we moved from our oceanfront bungalow in Lahaina to a fancy resort condo in Wailea, which we are sharing with both sets of our parents. Can I say how much easier it is watching a fearless two-year-old wave jumper with six adults instead of two? We took our…